Intermediate English Classes
Intermediate English is for students about age 10 and above, and who have studied English for 3-4 years. Students will improve their vocabulary, listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading skills, and learn more about US life, holidays, and geography.
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我叫马修,中国名字叫宋卓卿,来自中国北京,今年9岁。为了提供英语口语的水平,我在2013年初,跟斯科特 (Scott Dreyer) 开始了每周一次在线英语的学习,口语交流能力得到很大的提高。6月份,我参加了剑桥通用五级英语证书(MSE)考试,取得了KET(Key English Test)92分的好成绩,而且听、说、读、写均获得最高成绩。 * Matthew was awarded “Pass with Distinction” on the Cambridge ESOL Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International