Deborah Dreyer

Deborah Dreyer

Deborah Dreyer BA Personal Statement Deborah Dreyer, a native of Pingtung, Taiwan, has lived in the US since 1999. She is the mother of four and wife to Scott, so family is important to her. She is an accomplished artist with a multitude of media, including...
Maia Kling PhD

Maia Kling PhD

Maia Kling PhD Richmond, Virginia USA I grew up in a home with no TV. Instead, we were surrounded by innumerable books, creative play, lively conversation, and ongoing adventure. Dad was a scholar -outdoorsman who spoke eight languages and Mother spoke five. She was...
Marquita Holmes

Marquita Holmes

Marquita Holmes BS Blue Ridge, Virginia USA A native of the San Francisco, California area, I have been blessed to visit many places across the USA and the world.  I have traveled to Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the...
Chris Taibbi

Chris Taibbi

Chris Taibbi MAT Roanoke, Virginia USA I fell into teaching. Take a look at my resume and you’ll note that I started out as a performing juggler and circus arts clown before I discovered teaching… or, rather, it discovered me. That transition might seem odd at first...