Are you looking for a GUIDE to help you get into a US high school or university? Scott and the team can help! Listen to this episode of World Student Podcast, where Scott was the guest explaining how DreyerCoaching helps place students in US schools. 

你只年轻一次,美好未来锦绣前程正呼唤着你。高中、SAT®、TOEFL®、大学,在生命中每一个阶段都是重要的,也许感到紧张害怕在所难免。但是DreyerCoaching.com将在这里帮助你。Scott Dreyer老师曾担任国立新竹科学工业园区实验高级中学升学辅导老师,25年來他幫助了許多升大學的學子們達成夢想。 我们的课程能帮助你学习英文单字、作文、阅读以及文法让你在 SAT®和TOEFL®考试中表现出色。透过每星期和美国老师学习而加强技能和读书习惯将让你在日常学校的国、高中课堂上更加成功、有自信。

We even offer vacation Home-Stays in the US or chances to attend and graduate from a US high school. When it comes time to go to college, we can help you select a school and guide you through the application process.   Over the years we have helped students gain acceptance to Yale, Stanford, MIT, Duke, all the UC schools, the University of Virginia, William and Mary, and other outstanding schools. Put us to work helping to coach you today.


Scott Dreyer has been helping Chinese students gain acceptance into the US and other universities since 1989. From 1993-1997, he was the college adviser at the National Experimental High School Bilingual Department, where he helped all the students in grades 10-12 plan on entering college, mostly in the USA. Here is a partial list of schools that Dreyer has helped students gain entrance to:

Amherst College Art Institute of New York City Boston College
Brown University Carnegie Mellon University College of William and Mary
Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College
Duke University Emory University George Mason University
Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Hampden-Sydney College
James Madison University Johns Hopkins University Liberty University
Longwood University Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University (Canada)
Northwestern University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University Rice University Roanoke College
Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers University Savannah College of Art and Design
Shenandoah University Stanford University State University of New York Buffalo
Swarthmore College Syracuse University Texas A&M
Tufts University University of British Columbia (Canada) University of California: Berkeley
University of California: Davis University of California: Irvine University of California: Los Angeles
University of California: San Diego University of California: Santa Barbara University of Cincinnati
University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign University of Maryland: College Park University of Michigan: Ann Arbor
University of Oregon University of Richmond University of Southern California
University of Texas: Austin University of Virginia University of Washington
University of Wisconsin: Madison Vanderbilt University Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute Virginia Tech (architecture program) Washington and Lee University
Washington University in St. Louis Yale University


Dear Mr. Dreyer, Everything is great! Sure! I got accepted into the University of British Columbia, Texas A&M, UC IRVINE, UC SANTA BARBARA, UC DAVIS, UC SAN DIEGO, U WASHINGTON. I’m going to U Washington! Thank you for helping me!

Melody, Taiwan

A mother on the beautiful island of GUAM wrote this in December 2019, thanking Scott for helping her daughter with the college application process. Her daughter wrote her college essay drafts and then she and Scott met online 1 on 1 a few times to discuss edits such as word choice, grammar, flow, etc. Result? She gained Early Decision to Swarthmore College (acceptance rate 11%) plus $42,000 in scholarships! Wow! And note: even though this student was on the tiny, tropical island of Guam, thousands of miles from any mainland continent, she was able to get the same excellent service any student in a world-class city would receive, because is online and can go anywhere in the world!

如果朋友您在英文上有任何的需要? 這位老師這段時間幫忙
非常有學校申請經驗 透過網路一對一任教
加考SAT Subject Math I
以及SAT Subject Chinese Listening
Rachel很幸運 在我們時間來不及 學校功課重
從十月開始才足足努力準備 只好分批申請
再看後續12月中放榜消息 再繼續努力
頂尖文理學院 Swathmore College
能夠快樂渡過耶誕佳節 繼續她的課業
謝謝Scott老師(Scott Dreyer會说中文)及
Maddy Chen的幫忙
非常感謝 Merry X’mas & Happy New Year



您好。去年我在德雷尔网络语言学校(学英语,对我的英文有很大的帮助。并且是安全又省时,不出门就可以学到标准的当地英文,让我很容易就能和外国人交谈。之前我在台湾学校,中国英文老师的发音不正确,使我很烦恼。自从在网络学习后,让我很轻松地上英文课。Hello. Last year I learned English with the online school, and it helped my English very much. Plus it is safe and it saves time, because you don't have to leave home to learn standard local English, so this makes it easy to talk to foreigners. I used to study in Taiwan schools, and the Chinese teachers who taught English had inaccurate pronunciation, and that really bothered me. Ever since I learned online, I have been very relaxed in my English classes.

Student From Taiwan

 剛開始, 英文,對我而言, 是種恐懼,我不想去學習, 也不太想去面對,更不用提去國外讀書了,當時的我對語言這方面非常不感興趣且排斥.但後來接觸了以後,發現自己對英文已不再是陌生討厭,反而變得有興趣了,英文现在對我來說是種喜悅.三年前剛升國一的我,英文成績不是很理想,而在偶然的機會下,與姐姐一同前往加拿大遊學一個月,剛開始的時候,都不敢跟外國人講話,很羨慕姐姐不害怕,能跟外國人互動,談天说笑,就像在台灣一樣地買東西,分享趣事,幾天過後我開始嘗試跟外國人講話,發現和他們說話並不是想像中的那麼恐怖,他們會去尊重你的英文,畢竟,英文不是我的母語.回到台灣後,就想開始增進我的英語能力,很幸運能遇到Dreyer 老師這樣的英文教学團隊,使我的英文能力大大提升,最顯著的地方是,從一開始連開口都不敢說話的我,現在已能和外國人面對面聊天,不會害怕.並且也上了 conversation class, reading class和 1 on 1 class,而在會考拿到A的好成績.我认为若有觉得自己英文不是很好但有興趣並想改變提升英语能力的人,只要透過Dreyer老師的英文團隊的協助,一定能幫助您完成夢想.
祝 順心如意

Mr. Scott Dreyer’s English enhancement classes are great! His classes are excellent not only for young beginners who wish to excel in daily school life but also for high school kids who are going to soar on the SAT tests! Both of my kids learned a lot from him, like how to use the right vocabulary words, speak in public with confidence, develop writing skills, etc. He is a wonderful teacher.

Dr. Pei-Yao Wu
Hsinchu, Taiwan

語言~~就是一個持續不間斷的學習過程啊~~ 我是一位平凡的媽媽,跟大家一樣,我們了解英文是國際語言,是一條協助孩 子與世界接軌的路,它雖漫長遙遠,但持續學習…就對了!! 在台灣,孩子若非讀雙語或者國際部學校,我們只能比照訪間,全部都往補習 班送,但是非正統式的英文教學及填鴨式的教育,卻讓我有點膽怯。為了讓孩 子持續精進她的語文能力,更希望是沒有壓力的學習,我們透過朋友介紹認識 Mr. Dreyer。
孩子於國一下學期開始加入Dreyer Coaching,目前已是高三的學生,將近5年 的學習從未間斷。這期間的口說與聽力的訓練學習,讓孩子在學校表現突出,也發展出她對語文的興趣。更在2020年底以優秀表現直接以特殊選才提早拿到 進入大學外文系的入学资格,不用透過學測/繁星/個申/指考….,開心至極啊~~ 我想任何學習都不是一步登天的,特別是語言,唯有透過一步一腳印持續不斷的學習,終究有天會開花結果,非 常感謝Dreyer Coaching 老師對孩子的協助

Dear Mr. Dreyer, Everything is great!  I got accepted at the University of British Columbia, Texas A&M, UC IRVINE, UC SANTA BARBARA, UC DAVIS, UC SAN DIEGO, and U-Washington. I'm going to U-Washington! Thank you for helping me!

Hsinchu, Taiwan


Do you want to avoid common Chinglish errors? Sign up for our newsletter and get your free PDF Guide to Avoiding Chinglish. 

Come join one or our online English classes! Plus, get my award-winning book, Write Like A Champion (美國老師教你寫出好英文) where one whole chapter is devoted to just this topic!