Defining your Terms

In my award-winning book Write Like a Champion, I explain several common types of writing tasks: how-to, persuasive, definition, etc. In a “definition” paper, you seek to define a term. That came to mind while recently listening to a podcast by master...


One of my favorite forms of exercise is walking. Some 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson also recommended taking long walks was the best exercise. But unlike Jefferson, I also like to listen to podcasts while I walk. That way, I can strengthen myself physically, mentally,...

Literary Analysis

A Literary Analysis paper, aka Rhetorical Analysis, is a kind of sophisticated writing.   For this task, the author reads another writer’s text and identifies and analyzes the literary devices, emotional appeals, etc. that the first author uses in his or...

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

This link is from the Paul Revere house and gives the historical background of that historic night.    This poem from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow made Revere’s ride famous in history….  However, it is rather inaccurate, in that...
My Freelancer Manifesto

My Freelancer Manifesto

This writing assignment, in a Q&A format, comes from a Seth Godin Freelancer course I am taking, titled “A Course for Freelancers who want to move up.” In line 1 Godin tells me to make my answers public, so as an obedient student, here they are. ...