the Blog
This blog post is dedicated to all the brave souls who made D-Day a success on 6-6-1944, especially those who never returned home. Yorktown. Gettysburg. D-Day. These are some of the most famous and revered in American history. Yorktown is in...
Biographical Sketch: Change of Focus
In our Advanced Writing class, we are working on writing a biographical sketch. The textbook* gave us a list of several key events in the life of American pioneer Daniel Boone. However, writing an interesting biographical sketch is not just writing a boring "laundry...
Extended Metaphor
You are my sunshine. He roared with laughter. Variety is the spice of life. What do these three have in common? They are METAPHORS. These, along with similes, are a great way to spice up your writing. (Actually, "spice up your writing" is a metaphor too!) A...
Sure vs. Unsure Language
Recently a member of our DreyerCoaching teacher team and I were working with a Chinese professional man and his American supervisor. We were working on helping the Chinese man write better emails in English. One big issue was: expressing certainty and uncertainty....
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