the Blog

English Idioms (Sayings)
What are idioms? At, we do not give our students long lists of vocabulary words and grammar points to memorize; there are more than enough "cram schools" doing that already. Instead, we want to teach "real English," the way English speakers,...

English is a crazy language! 疯狂英文
English is a crazy language! (This phrase comes from the hilarious writing of linguist Richard Lederer, who gives some great examples of this nutty language. You can read his essay here.) ******************** Just now in his 1 on 1 English class a student asked me...

Improve Your English Pronunciation! 提高你的英语发音!
“So many Chinese kids have terrible English pronunciation! You wouldn’t believe it!” I still remember when my wife and I were chatting over coffee with a Chinese woman who was an educational consultant in Shenzhen. She was explaining how so many...

Congratulations Class of 2021!
Ryan Chen and friend 庆祝 2021 届毕业生的成功! 他们忍受了学校的正常挑战和过去三个学期与新冠病毒的非凡挑战。 然而,他们熬过了这个夏天,毕业了! 阅读他们的成功故事! Graduation Day is a MAJOR milestone in anyone's life! However, the Class of 2021 has special reasons to celebrate. In early 2020, most of the world...

Knowing English Helped Wayne Solve a Problem in Las Vegas
A couple in the Hsinchu, Taiwan Science Park enrolled their children in a DreyerCoaching Summer Camp a few years ago. Pleased with the results, the dad (to respect his privacy, we will call him "Wayne") then joined DreyerCoaching classes too to improve his career...

Summer 2021 Master Class: SAT Prep
SAVE THE DATES! Do you or does someone in your family need help with English? Do you need a personal guide to help you with reading comprehension? Writing? Vocabulary? SAT preparation? Do you want to invest your time wisely this summer to help you move to...
Do you want to avoid common Chinglish errors? Sign up for our newsletter and get your free PDF Guide to Avoiding Chinglish.
Come join one or our online English classes! Plus, get my award-winning book, Write Like A Champion (美國老師教你寫出好英文) where one whole chapter is devoted to just this topic!