Episode Description:

This podcast covers the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, and his poor leadership skills.

Word for the Day: dignified (adjective) full of dignity, desires respect, attention, mannerly carriage


Listen to Episode 29 below.

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Check your listening ability.

1. What does Jefferson Davis’ middle name mean? 


2. What is coincidental about Jefferson Davis’ hometown?


3. What does the term “states’ rights mean?” How does it relate to Jefferson Davis?


4. How was Jefferson Davis an example of American exceptionalism?


Answer Key:

1. Finus is the Latin word for finished. Davis was the youngest of ten children and this middle name was a nod from his father that he would be the last child.

2. Jefferson Davis was born only 100 miles from Abraham Lincoln’s hometown.

3. The states should have more influence over their population and the federal government should have less power. Davis was a big propenent of states’ rights.

4. Rather than executing Jefferson Davis immediately, he was moved from a small cell to a larger, more comfortable imprisonment. He was pardoned on Christmas Day 1868.



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