Episode Description:

Author Gretchen Rubin, noting that autumn is the start of the school year, explains “September is the new January.” That means, it’s a kind of new start, fresh slate, a great time to start new habits and routines. This episode gives a few practical tips to help have a smooth and successful launch into the autumn and new school year. The episode also includes stories about three friends from East Asia and how DreyerCoaching.com helps them improve their English skills and help make their dreams come true.

Word of the Day: slate (noun) a kind of flat, black stone, used earlier in blackboards.

“A fresh slate” refers to a blackboard that has been erased clean, so it is a fresh, clean start.

Question of the Day: What is a goal you have for this new fall semester?

Listen to Episode 6 below.

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Check your listening ability.

1. Why should you pick your career very carefully?


2. When is the best time to start a good habit or stop a bad one?

A. the beginning of the school yera

B. right now

C. January 1

D. your birthday


3. Going into the new school year, what is a great practice to have so that you make the most of your year?


4. What can we learn from the following Chinese proverb? “The weakest ink is stronger than the strongest memory.”


5. What is the difference between these two questions? 

A. “How are you doing?”

B. “What are you doing?”







Answer Key:

1. You might spend 40-60 hours a week working your job. That is a lot of time spent hating how you spend your time. Additionally, if you only enjoy the weekends, you will also eat into your Sunday anticipating the next day’s work.

2. B. right now

3. Make some goals for yourself.

4. There is value in writing things down. Write your goals on paper so you won’t forget them and can commit to them.

5. A refers to your state of being. How are you? B refers to your current activity. What is happening to you right now?


Do you want to improve your listening ability? Contact Scott today to see what class you can take to improve that skill!


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