Couch Potato Many English sayings are hundreds of years old, so they refer to farming, animals and such familiar topics from England’s past.
couch potato Sample sentences: 1. Tired of his couch potato lifestyle and huge belly, Billy got up off the sofa, dug his sneakers out of the bottom of his closet, and went out to buy a gym membership. 2 . This article below, from the U.K.** claims that the sedentary lifestyle of a couch potato could be as deadly as smoking. Plus, since Britain has socialized medicine, if enough people get sick, stop working, and die early, it could destroy the so-called “welfare state,” which requires enough healthy workers to keep the rest of the nation afloat.
*sedentary (adj.) marked by a lack of movement; staying still (note: “sed” means “to sit”) Want to learn MORE English sayings? Join us today on or “like” us at |