
(向下滚动查看中文/Scroll down for Chinese)

How does Online Coaching work?

Since 2008 Scott Dreyer has offered this  helpful, convenient service.

  • You and Scott agree on a class schedule.
  • Go online at your home or office and have class.
  • That’s it!


How can this help me or my child?

  • Learn REAL English with a native speaker teacher
  • Improve reading, vocabulary, listening, speaking, pronunciation, grammar, and writing skills
  • Save time and money: learn at home or office, no driving around
  • Stay safe and healthy: no new germs or sicknesses
  • Improve skills and confidence 


Will this extra Coaching make me or my child too busy?

No. These classes help you or your child SAVE time.

  • Take all classes in your home office
  • No time on the road
  • Better English skills help you or your child be more efficient with homework and test preparation
  • One online student told us: “The classes help me save time, because I can ask Mr. Dreyer any homework questions I have, and learning the hard words online helps me do better in my classes at school.” 



What are my class choices?

  • We offer a wide variety of class choices, from basic learners just learning English, to intermediate and advanced learners. We also offer both small group and 1 on 1 classes, plus English editing services.

Classes:  2021- 2022/课程安排: 2021 -2022 

Step 3sofia
Wed./Fri. 7:00-7:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers)
線上指導,週三 / 週五晚上7:00-7:50(以英語為第二語言的學生


Step 4
Tue./Fri. 8:00-8:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers)
線上指導,週二 / 週五晚上8:00-8:50(以英語為第二語言的學生)

 Step 5
Wed./Thur. 8:00-8:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers)
線上指導,週三 / 週四晚上8:00-8:50(以英語為第二語言的學生)

Step 7      

Tue/Fri, 8:00-8:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers)


線上指導,週二 / 週五晚上8:00-8:50(以英語為第二語言的學生)

Step 8  

Mon/Wed, 8:00-8:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers) dreyerslide1


線上指導,週一 / 週三晚上8:00-8:50(以英語為第二語言的學生)

Step 11

Thur/Fri. 9:00-9:50 pm (ESL for Chinese speakers) 


線上指導,週四 / 週五,晚上9:00-9:50(以英語為第二語言的學生)

ESL English Conversation12809711 m 410x300

Mon./Wed. 9:00-9:50 pm (ESL)  


週一/週三, 晚上9:00-9:50 (以英語為第二語言的人)

English Writing-Basicgirlswriting2

Thur.  7:00-7:50 pm(ESL for Chinese speakers)



English Writing-Intermediate

Fri. 8:00-8:50 pm




English Writing-Advanced 

Tue. 9:00-9:50 pm (Bilingual students) 

中学英语写作课  國一到國三線上指導,

週二晚上9:00-9:50 (雙語 / 外國學生


English Writing-Advanced Grades 8-12 

Wed. 8:00-8:50 pm (Bilingual students) 

英语进阶寫作课- AdvancedBookCover chuphone照片方式 314x381

國二到高三線上指導,週三,晚上8:00-8:50(雙語 /外國學生)



Vocabulary & Critical Reading-6

Mon/Wed, 8:00-8:50 pm (Bilingual students)  

中學 Vocabulary & 阅读級線上指導-6   國二到高三線上指導

週一 / 週三晚上8:00-8:50(雙語 /外國學生)

One-on-one coaching  clients 410x210


 針對需要個別教導的學生,這項線上指導讓你的孩子能全心不受干擾地與Mr. Dreyer or his team-teacher 互動。有需要者請連絡Mr. Dreyer洽談指導時間。

Our classes are small, and spaces are limited. The investment is reasonable. Please email Scott at scott@dreyercoaching today to find out more! You can email Scott in Chinese. 


How long do classes run?

Each class runs for 50 minutes, minimum.




学费有多少?  What is the class tuition? (2021-2022)     


我们的课有一个学年长从9月初到6月初.  家里有两个孩子已上,第二, 三个孩子打折15%. 以此类推. 学生有报名两堂课以上的第二堂课打折10%.  新生提早报名打折5%. 旧 生提早报名打折5%还有免费上一门一对一的课  。 Sibling Discount, 15% for second member of immediate family enrolling. Multi-class Loyalty Discount, 10% for second or more group classes. Early Bird discount is given in the spring, when we register for the next school year. Ask Scott for details!



New School Year 2021-2022 (September 6, 2021 – June 4, 2022)

STEP 1-5 group classes run year-round. This is going to make English success all the more attainable as time off from studying can make it easy to forget what you’ve learned. 

DreyerCoaching STEP 1-5的小组课程,以全年十二个月(以学年)学习来进行 。因为在学习中有任何假期的休息都会很轻易地忘记一些所学的知识, 因此,以全年学习的制度 ,这将会使英语获得更大的进步与成功 。


Your benefits: 


Regular Small-Group Class

  • Small group class, 6 students maximum. Main focus: reading, vocabulary, speaking, listening, pronunciationTwo classes per week, STEPS 1-4 approximately 96 classes total; STEPS 5 and Above, approximately 70 classes total 
  • Private WeChat group, 6 students maximum, for individualized pronunciation practice, feedback and correction, 3-4 times per month, 30-40 times total. This gives extra practice with material your student is learning from the textbook. Parents will be in the WeChat group too to monitor what the students are learning.
  • Free resource made by Scott sent by email about learning English or life in the USA. Ten items total. 
  • Free 1 on 1 class for your students’ birthday gift. (RMB 699, NT$2,999 value!)
  • Handwritten Christmas card, birthday card, and small gift mailed from the USA.
  • Send Scott a private message or ask any question ANYTIME, by social media or email, and he will respond. 
  • All teachers are native speakers of American English, with many years of teaching experience, and we love helping people!










         生日当月1对1免费课程Mr.Dreyer主讲 (RMB 699, NT$2,999 价值!)





**Step 1- 5: (June 7, 2021-June 4, 2022) 课程第 1或5 阶级:(六月七日 2021年- 六月 四日 2022年)

RMB 13,900元, NT$60,900元                     

(原价人民币¥13,900元,NT$ 60,900元)     

优惠价RMB 13,200(优惠至3月31日止)

優惠價NT$57,900 (優惠至3月31日止)


**Step 6 or above (September 6, 2021-June 4, 2022) 课程六或 以上阶级:(九月六日 2021年- 六月日 2021年)

     RMB 10,900元, NT$46,900元                          

(原价人民币¥10,900元,NT$ 46,,900元)     


优惠价RMB 10,300(优惠至3月31日止)

優惠價NT$45,900 (優惠至3月31日止)



Writing Class

  • Small group class, 3 students maximum. Main focus: writing, grammar, and word choice.  1 class per week, approximately 35 classes total 
  • Free resource made by Scott sent by email about learning English or life in the USA. Ten items total. 
  • Free 1 on 1 class for your students’ birthday gift. (RMB 699, NT$2,999 value!)
  • Handwritten Christmas card, birthday card, and small gift mailed from the USA.
  • Send Scott a private message or ask any question ANYTIME, by social media or email, and he will respond. 
  • All teachers are native speakers of American English, with many years of teaching experience, and we love helping people!









         生日当月1对1免费课程Mr.Dreyer主讲  (RMB 699, NT$2,999 价值!)





      RMB 7,690元, NT$ 32,900元                          

(原价人民币¥7,690元,NT$ 32,900元)  


优惠价RMB 7,390(优惠至3月31日止)

優惠價NT$31,290 (優惠至3月31日止)



new team 01


Premium 1 on 1 Class

  • One on One Class.  The student gets 100% of the teacher’s attention. Main focus: Whatever you need: reading, vocabulary, speaking, listening, pronunciation, TOEFL, SAT, etc.   One class per week, approx. 35 classes total. (We can schedule as many classes per week as you want.) 
  • Private WeChat help for individualized pronunciation practice, feedback and correction, 3-4 times per month, 30-40 times total. This gives extra practice with material your student is learning from the textbook. Parents will be in the WeChat group too to monitor what the students are learning.
  • Free resource made by Scott sent by email about learning English or life in the USA. Ten items total. 
  • Free 1 on 1 class for your students’ birthday gift. (RMB 699, NT$2,999 value!)
  • Handwritten Christmas card, birthday card, and small gift mailed from the USA.
  • Send Scott a private message or ask any question ANYTIME, by social media or email, and he will respond. 
  • All teachers are native speakers of American English, with many years of teaching experience, and we love helping people!





课程内容:涉及听、说、读、写,TOEFL, SAT等全方面英语学习





         生日当月1对1免费课程Mr.Dreyer主讲 (RMB 699, NT$2,999 价值!)




  RMB 17,900元, NT$75,900元                            




1 on 1 Class (with Scott Dreyer)

RMB 37,900 / NT$159,900 (September 2020-June 2021) Plus ALL the above benefits! scottandeborahdreyer


Book a Closed Group Class with your students or friends only

(as many students as you wish–no limit, as many times a week as you want.)     RMB 699 / NT$2,999 per session



Extra Bonuses!

  1. A 15% family discount for a second sibling or parent when two or more people from one nuclear family take our classes, and the first family member pays full tuition.
  2. A 10% multi-class discount for second or third classes for students who register for more than one class.  
  3. Early Bird discounts for all returning students!  Have you been a student for 1 or 2 years Get ONE FREE 1 on 1 class!  For 3 or 4 years: Get TWO FREE 1 on 1 classes!  For 5 or 6 years: Get Four FREE 1 on 1 classes! For 7 or 8 years: Get Six Free 1 on 1 classes ! For 9 or 10 years: Get Eight Free 1 on 1 classes!
  4.  New for 2021! All returning students also get ONE EXTRA FREE CLASS, where the student and a parent (or other relative) have class together, and learn English singing songs and having fun!    (Offer good until: March 31, 2021)




1. 家庭优惠–家里有任何成员想上课或两个孩子已上,第一个孩子付全额, 第二, 三个孩子打折15%. 以此类推.

2. 多数课优惠-学生有报名两堂课以上的第二堂课打折10%.  

3. 早鸟优惠给续学旧生–多学多送 

4. 2021年的新学习项目! 所有返校的学生还将获得一次“额外免费课”(40分钟),学生和父母(或其他亲戚)一起上课,并通过唱歌和娱乐来学习英语!

( 只限于3月31日之前报名的学生)



























What are the exact dates for tutoring? (2021-2022)




For Steps 1-5 / 课程第一 – 五 阶级


Sessions begin the week of Monday, June 7, 2021, and end Saturday, June 5, 2022.



The 2021-2022 schedule covers approximately 48 weeks of classes, or approximately 96 sessions if we meet twice a week.




For Steps 7 & above / 课程七或 以上阶级

 Asian Girl

Sessions begin the week of Monday, September 6, 2021, and end Saturday, June 5, 2022.



The 2021-2022 schedule covers approximately 35 weeks of classes, or approximately 70 sessions if we meet twice a week.




Because of major holidays, we will NOT meet on these dates:



Tuesday, September 21  Autumn Moon Festival

9月21日星期二   中秋節


Thur. -Sat, Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving

11月25-27日星期四-六   感恩節


Mon. Dec. 20-Sat. Jan. 1 Christmas and New Year*Velden floating nativity scene on the surface of Lake Woerth 11122009 111

12月20日星期一至1月1日星期六    聖誕節與元旦*


Mon. Jan. 24 -Sat. Feb. 5 Chinese New Year*

1月24日星期一至2月5日星期六    農曆新年*


Mon. April 18-Sat. April 23 Easter/Spring Break*

4月18日星期一至4月23日星期六    復活節/春假*


Friday, June 3  Dragon Boat Festival

6月3日星期五     端午節



Saturday, June 4, 2021   Last Day of regularly-scheduled classes, 2021-2022 academic year

2022年6月4日星期六     2021-2022 学年最后一天上课


*The two weeks at Christmas, two weeks at Chinese New Year, and one week at Easter/Spring Break are NOT counted in the investment. That is, you do not pay for those weeks.



Why let my child study Online, with

  • Safety. No worries about where your child is, or who he or she is with. Your child is at home, learning!

  • Convenience. Imagine no more driving around town, wasting time and gas, taking your child to and from English tutoring. Think what you can do with that extra time!

  • Family Time. Imagine less frustration and hurry as you rush around town to bushibans. Our classes are right in your home, after dinner. You and your child have more time at home, together. Less rushing = More peace.

  • Top Quality. Scott Dreyer has been teaching since 1986, including ten years in Hsinchu, Taiwan, of which two were teaching English Writing at Tsing Hua University and five (1992-1997) at the National Experimental High School’s Bilingual Department, where he taught world geography and served as high school guidance counselor and college advisor. Dreyer wrote the 2008 Foreign Language Book of the Year, 美國老師教你寫出好英文, has an M.A., and is among the only 1% of American teachers who have earned National Board Certification.

  • Effectiveness. Since Dreyer has learned to speak Mandarin and has worked with Chinese-speaking students and writers since 1989, he can quickly identify and correct common “Chinglish” errors.

  • Familiarity. Having worked with Hsinchu Science Park families since 1989, he knows their particular needs, standards, and expectations.

  • Value. If you compare this service with comparable programs, you should find this investment is very reasonable.

  • Reliability. Are you tired of always changing foreign teachers as they come and go? Mr. Dreyer is reliable and established, having first come to Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1989.

  • Environmentalism. Less driving around is good for your schedule, your wallet, and our planet.


Who would benefit from these sessions?

Students who are motivated to report on time and work diligently in an online community. No snacking during class, put-downs, or posting silly icons. It is work.

What if my child misses a class?

If Mr. Dreyer or a Team Teacher misses a class for any reason, he will schedule a class on another date to make up for it or arrange a substitute. Sorry, there are no refunds for students who miss a group class. One on one classes may be made up if at least 24 hours’ notice is given, and the make-up date is available for both teacher and student.

How can I help my child make the most of this opportunity?

            • Have an up-to-date computer with a cable Internet connection. Wireless Internet may drop the call. Your child should be in a quiet area, free from distractions. This will let your child concentrate and not disturb the other learners. Clattering dishes, ringing phones, and arguing children can be heard by everyone else over the Internet! Dreyer encourages you to supervise your child’s online time.

            • Be sure your child is not eating during class. That is a distraction, and others can hear the munching noise. Sipping a little water during class is fine.

            • Be sure your child’s cell phone and Instant Messenger are off. Your child needs to pay full attention during this time. Children benefit when a parent is nearby providing supervision and encouragement.

            • After class, please ask your child to tell or show you what he or she learned (new words, etc.). Encourage your child to keep learning!

What materials will my child use?

Classes will use books that Dreyer will inform you of; you may buy these books in Asia. Most of the books we use are AMERICAN books with 100% English; they will help you or your child real American English!

parentmeetingHow do I sign up?  Click here. 

Register today; spaces are limited.

What do other people say about Online Coaching with Scott Dreyer?


[My son] enjoyed it [his first online tutoring session]. He said he learned a lot from you within a short time. Great! Stay in touch! –a Parent, Pacific American School; Hsinchu, Taiwan


Thanks to Mr. Dreyer’s class, I don’t need to search for many definitions in the dictionary. He not only improved my vocabulary, but also taught me some idioms and writing skills. Also, he expanded our knowledge by telling us some interesting literature and history stories.

–a Grade 7 student, International Bilingual School in Hsinchu, Taiwan




美國老師Scott Dreyer教你



Scott Dreyer這項前所未見的教學指導,丛2008年已經开始進行,其方式非常簡單。你可以選定某個晚上合適的時間,然後你或者你的孩子就可以和Scott老师或者与Dreyercoaching的老师团队在那段時間藉著網路進行線上教學了!過去六年的線上指導都是藉助Skype進行.现在以更方便的zoom进行。


你的孩子在學校雖然有上英文課,但班級的人數可能過多。許多父母都表示,在中国或在台灣的孩子虽然学了英文但孩子的英文程度还是没有很大的进步。現在有了線上指導,你的孩子就能以個別或小班制的方式,與Mr. Dreyer上課,除了特別加強單字和作文的能力之外,也包括文法、閱讀理解、發音、聽力,連社會學科的學習方法也可以學到呢!Mr. Dreyer上課的開場白經常是這個問題:「孩子們,你們的作業或複習測驗中,有什麼問題要問我的嗎?」試想若你的孩子在作業方面遇到困難時,總是能得到協助,這對他的功課將會有何等大的助益呢?而經過Mr. Dreyer定期的指導後,你的孩子將對英文產生多麼大的自信心和自在感啊!



有個接受線上指導的學生,最近曾這麼表示:「線上指導讓我省下許多時間,因為我所有的作業問題都可以請教Mr. Dreyer,而且在線上指導時學到的困難字彙,也讓我能應付學校的功課,有更好的成績。」因此就事實而言,線上指導不是「讓孩子變得更忙碌的一項補習」,反而是孩子學習各種技巧、建立學習自信心的最好方式。如此一來,你的孩子讀起書來將更有效率,也就能達到節省時間的目的了。照例Mr. Dreyer不會指派任何的書面作業,你的孩子只需要複習上一次所教的單字即可。Mr. Dreyer認為學校已經給孩子夠多的作業和壓力,線上指導的目的是要減輕而不是加重孩子的壓力。


  • 小班制:你可以選擇讓孩子和同年齡層的其他孩子一起接受線上指導。為了維持教學的品質和良好的互動,每一小班均不超過六個學生。小班制每一個禮拜進行兩次線上指導,好讓你的孩子可以學得更多、進步更快。




Our classes are small, and spaces are limited. The investment is very reasonable. Please email Scott at scott@dreyercoaching today to find out more! You can email Scott in Chinese. 



上课时间有多长 ? How long do classes run?

一门课有50分钟.  Each class runs for 50 minutes, minimum.


 Asian Girl

讓孩子接受 線上指導的理由有那些?

  • 安全。不必擔心孩子去了那裏,或和什麼人在一起。線上指導就在家中進行,你可以看到孩子的學習狀況。

  • 方便。不必為了載孩子上英文課,開車在市區跑來跑去,想想看你能省下多少的時間和汽油呢!

  • 享受家庭時間。不用趕著送孩子去補習班上課,你就可以輕鬆自在多了。晚餐過後,讓孩子在家中接受線上指導,你和孩子就可以有更多的時間在家。少了匆促,就多了自在。

  • 最佳的教學品質。Scott Dreyer从1986年的教學經驗,而在新竹的十年中,兩年在清華大學教英文,五年(1992-1997)在新竹實驗中學雙語部教世界地理,並擔任高中部的導師,以及大學申請諮詢的工作,并且再加上从2008年开始网路教学经验,由此种种是质得被信赖的。Scott Dreyer擁有碩士學位,所寫的《美國老師教你寫出好英文》榮獲2008年最佳外語學習書,並得到全美國僅有1%的老師能得到的全美教學認證(National Board Certification)。

  • 有效率。Scott Dreyer會說中文,且從1989年起就有指導以中文為母語的學生的經驗,因此很快就能發現並糾正學生常犯的「中式英語」的錯誤。

  • 切合需求。從1989年起為新竹科學園區內的住戶提供教學服務,這段經歷讓Scott Dreyer瞭解學習者特殊的需求、標準和期待。

  • 有價值。若將線上指導與其他教學做比較,你將發現這樣的投資是相當合理的。

  • 可信賴。因著外籍教師的來來去去而需要經常為孩子更換教師,是否令你感到厭煩呢?Mr. Dreyer有著過去在新竹工作的經歷,不但值得信賴且不會變動。

  • 環保節能。減少開車次數,不但對你的日常生活與荷包有益,也可以對我們的地球盡一份心力。


 unnamed 3





萬一Mr. Dreyer無法上課的話,會另找時間補課或是請別的老師代課。很抱歉,小班制的學生若缺課,該次的指導費不退還。


  • 硬體設備需要最新的電腦和網路連線服務。無線網路有時會有無法接通的狀況,要留心。上課的地點必須安靜不受打擾,孩子才能專心並且不會干擾線上其他的學生。不管是碗盤的撞擊聲、電話鈴聲,還是爭吵聲,線上的每個人都能聽得一清二楚。Mr. Dreyer認為做父母的,最好要管控孩子上網的時間。

  • 要監督孩子在上課時不吃東西。這會分散注意力,咀嚼的聲音也會影響到別的孩子。但在上課時啜飲開水則無傷大雅。

  • 要確定孩子的手機和即時通都在關閉的狀態,以便他們能全神貫注於線上指導課。

  • 下課後務必要詢問孩子學到了什麼(例如單字,文法等),並且要鼓勵孩子不斷地學習。


Mr. Dreyer會個別通知,有些在亞洲就買得到。


  1. 為你的孩子選擇合適的班級。

  2. 投資金錢。若你選擇一對一或小组的線上指導,一年所需的学习費用会依照报名日期计算起,因此請與Mr. Dreyer連絡详情。

請用ATM或去你的银行. 轉帳繳費,資料如下: Email Scott at

  • 人數有限,立即報名!




謝謝Mr. Dreyer的指導,我不必再翻字典查單字的意義了。不但我的字彙能力增強了,我還學到了成語的用法,以及寫作的技巧。他還告訴我們一些有趣的文學和歷史故事,藉此增加我們的常識。









你可以寄電子郵件到Mr. Dreyer的