What are idioms?

At DreyerCoaching.com, we do not give our students long lists of vocabulary words and grammar points to memorize; there are more than enough “cram schools” doing that already. Instead, we want to teach “real English,” the way English speakers, especially Americans, actually communicate in real life. And a big part of that is helping our students understand idioms (sayings). Idioms are non-literal sayings that communicate a point or truth. By “non-literal” I mean, the words have a symbolic, rather than a  “black-and-white,” meaning. And this is what makes idioms so hard to understand, especially for learners of a new language, but also so interesting. Here is an example. A common English idiom is It’s raining cats and dogs.” Obviously, this does NOT mean cats and dogs are literally falling from the sky during a storm. Instead, it has a symbolic meaning: that the rain is very heavy and severe. To my knowledge, all languages have idioms, and learning them is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of learning a foreign language. I like it because different languages have their own unique ways to express a truth or insight, that one’s native language might not have. For example, today I was teaching a student the idiom “to peter out,” which means “to gradually weaken and end.” I told him Chinese has a saying with a similar meaning: (虎头蛇尾“Tiger Head Snake Tail.” I love that imagery and metaphor! A tiger’s head is ferocious and powerful, while a snake’s tail gradually reduces to nothing. It’s a powerful word-picture of a person or plan that starts with much noise and attention, but eventually peters out to nothing.

Why are idioms important to learn?

Not only is learning idioms fun, it is also important. Spend much time reading or listening to English, and you will encounter them. Just today I was listening to a podcast and heard one of the speakers say she was “worked up,” and I thought to myself: idiom! If you only focus on the literal meaning–like cats and dogs falling during a rain storm–they will not make sense. But when you learn the idioms, you will understand what they mean when you see or hear them, and you can start using them in your English speech and writing too! Since idioms are so fun and so important, I make them a priority and have been starting my online classes with an idiom lesson ever since I began teaching ESL online in 2008! I began with idioms starting with “A” and have been going through the alphabet ever since. One of my most loyal students, Ricky in Taiwan, looked back through his old notebooks and discovered that he joined my online class when I was back in the B’s, teaching “by hook or by crook.” Ricky has stayed with me for years, and now we are up in the O’s. Today he learned “Old Wives’ Tales.”

Where do idioms come from?

Since English is a global language with a long, rich history, it takes idioms from many different sources and time periods. Some idioms are thousands of years old (The Midas Touch) while others are recent (be on the same page), which has only been traced back to 1974.

  • The Bible: This ancient book has had an enormous impact on the English language and Western thinking. There are many examples of Bible verses and names that have become English sayings: (As old as the hills; Good Samaritan; David and Goliath; The blind leading the blind; Let he who is without sin cast the first stone).
  • Ancient Greece and Rome:   English takes many words from Greek and Latin, and we take many sayings from these ancient civilizations too: (Achilles’ Heel; Trojan Horse; Rome wasn’t built in a day; All Roads lead to Rome).
  • Farming: Up until the past 100 years or so, most English speakers around the world lived by farming, so many of our sayings come from that agricultural history. (Don’t count your chickens before they hatch; Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth; Hit the hay).
  • Native American Indians:  Although a small percentage of the US population today, American Indians have had an enormous impact on American culture and the English language that lives on today.  (Bury the hatchet; Keep your ear to the ground; Low man on the totem pole).
  • Rhymes: Some sayings become popular because they rhyme and are thus easy to remember.  (Plain Jane; True Blue; Snug as a bug in a rug).
  • Alliteration: Many other idioms repeat the same vowel or consonant sounds, and are thus fun to say. (Chatty Cathy; Get your Goat; Footloose and Fancy-free).
  • Names: A few people have actually had their name become part of the English language: (the Real McCoy; Fighting like the Hatfields and McCoys).

To help our students improve their English skills, I am starting this list of English idioms, in alphabetical order. Please come by often to see the new additions!

This blog post is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Visit often to see what we have added new.


A big hit   (positive connotation)

Meaning: Something suddenly and wildly popular, often referring to a new show, movie, song, product, or service

Origin: “to hit” can mean to make a successful connection, as in “he hit the ball,” so a big hit is a big success.

1. When the ice cream cone was invented over a hundred years ago, it was a big hit, and it still is today. (Learn more about the accidental creation of the ice cream cone at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis here.)

2. The oldest movies were all black and white, but the 1939 color films The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind were such big hits, most movies since have been in full color.

A house divided against itself cannot stand         (negative connotation)

Meaning: When a family, group, or country is deeply divided, it will not be able to last long…it is headed for a collapse

Origin: This is one of many English sayings that comes from the Bible. This is a direct quotation found in three places in the Bible:  Matthew 12:22-28Mark 3:23-30, and Luke 11:14-23. (Note: when items are repeated in literature, it is considered to be important.)

1. Abraham Lincoln, running for US Senate in 1858 (two years before the start of the Civil War), quoted the Bible in his now-famous House Divided” speech“: “‘A house divided against itself cannot stand.’   I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.”

2. With one daughter going to the University of Virginia and another attending rival Virginia Tech, Bryan laughed and put a “House Divided” license plate on his car.


A Penny for your thoughts (positive connotation)

Meaning: Please tell me what you are thinking; I’d love to know what you are thinking right now (Somewhat rare, old-fashioned saying)

Origin: it dates from 1535

1. When Debby noticed that Greg appeared lost in thought, she asked him, “A Penny for your Thoughts.”

2. Frances noticed that Mike was smiling silently. “A Penny for your Thoughts” she asked him, to bring him back from his daydreams.

An ADHD moment

A man’s home is his castle

Ace up your (my/his/her/our) sleeve (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: a secret tool, trick, resource, or method you have to be successful; other people do not know about it (yet)

Origin: Long ago, clothes did not have pockets so people kept things in their sleeves. Magicians often hide objects in their sleeves. This idiom comes from card games like poker. A person who is cheating might have an ace hidden in the sleeve of his shirt. The other players do not know it is there, and the cheater will bring it out at the right time to win the game.

1. Some people do not understand why Billy gets the best jobs in our office, but Billy has an ace up his sleeve: he is married to the boss’ daughter!

2. If you want to improve your English skills, you can have a GREAT ace up your sleeve–join an online English class with DreyerCoaching.com! Learn real American English right at your home or office! Find out more here!

Achilles’ Heel

Across the board

Add Fuel to the Fire

Air your dirty laundry in public

Afraid of your own shadow (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be very timid and easily scared

Origin: A shadow is dark but harmless. It cannot hurt anyone. So, to be afraid of your own shadow means to have no bravery.

1. Our dog is a terrible watchdog. She is such a coward, she is afraid of her own shadow.

2. Teddy would never want to hurt anyone. In fact, he is afraid of his own shadow. 

After the dust settles

Against the grain

Ahead of the curve / Behind the curve

Albatross around your neck

All ears

All hands on deck

All hat and no cattle (Texas expression)

All talk and no action

All thumbs

All washed up

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Amen Corner

Amen to that!

Ants in your pants

(It’s like) apples and oranges

Apples to apples

Apple of your eye

As different as night and day

As the crow flies

Asleep at the switch

At the drop of a hat

At the end of your rope

(Not your) Average Joe

(An) Ax to grind


Babe in the woods

Back in the saddle

Back to square one

Backseat driver

Bad blood

Baker’s Dozen

Bait and switch (also in Chinese!)

Ballpark figure (in the ballpark)

Bark is worse than your bite

Bandwagon (Get on/ Fall off the bandwagon)

Bark up the wrong tree

Batten down the hatches

Be on the same page   (also) Be on the same wavelengthareweonthesamepage    (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be in agreement; to have the same goals or point of view

Origin: When a teacher and student are “on the same page,” they know what is going on in the classroom. When you are on the right wavelength, FM, AM, or TV, you can pick up the correct station.

1. “Since our Science Fair project is due next week, we need to meet after school today to make sure we’re all on the same page about who’s doing what,” Megan told her group-mates.

2. Before a man and woman agree to get married, they need to be sure they’re both on the same page about important issues that will eventually come up in their marriage, like doing household chores, managing money, raising children, etc. Good premarital counseling can help a couple talk through those issues before they become problems later.

3. Billy and his brother are never on the same page; they argue all the time and eventually had to move away from each other.

Beat a dead horse

Beat around the Bush

Beat the crowd

Beat your swords into plowshares

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Bed of roses

Beef up

Been there, done that, (got the T-shirt)

Beggars can’t be choosers

Behind closed doors

Behind the eight ball

Bells and whistles

Bet your bottom dollar  (Hear Frank Sinatra sing that in “Chicago”)

Better half

Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t know

Between a rock and a hard place

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts


(on the) Big screen

Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Birds of a feather flock together

Birthday suit

Bite off more than you can chew

Burn the candle at both ends

Bite the bullet

Bite the dust (from the Bible)

Bite the hand that feeds you

Bite your tongue

Bitten by the bug

Bitter pill to swallow

Black sheep of the family

Bleeding heart

Bless your heart!  (chiefly Southern)

Blessing in disguise

Blind leading the blind (from the Bible)

Blood is thicker than water


Cabin fever (negative connotation)

Meaning: the feeling of boredom one feels when one is stuck inside the house for a long time, due to bad weather or illness

Origin: in the 1700s and 1800s, pioneers often lived in cabins, with the nearest neighbors many miles away. During harsh winters, they had to spend lots of time inside their small, rustic homes and were often bored.

1. “Do you have cabin fever?” mom asked me after a few days of rain had kept me cooped up indoors.

2. During the virus epidemic of early 2020, many of our students in Mainland China had cabin fever when they were ordered to stay indoors for a long time in an effort to combat the disease.

Call someone on the carpet.  (negative connotation)

Meaning: to loudly scold, blame or criticize someone

Origin: In old factory days, workers stood on a hard floor and the only carpet was in the boss’ office. And often, workers were called to the office just to be scolded or corrected, so to be “called on the carpet” means you’re in trouble.

1. Chuck got called on the carpet when we was late to work three days in a row.

2. No one likes to get called on the carpet, so a wise teacher (or parent or boss) knows that correction should normally be done in private, whenever possible, without others watching.

Consider the Source (negative connotation)

Meaning: When you hear or read something, think carefully who is saying it. (Note: this is often used to cast doubt on what dishonest people say)

Origin: A source is where something comes from, so when someone says or writes something, we should judge if the speaker is honest or not.

1. Billy says his dog ate his homework today, but consider the source: Billy has said that three times this week. His dog must love paper!

2. Ellen says that new restaurant has terrible food, but consider the source; Ellen is such a critical person, nothing is ever good enough for her.

Count your blessings (positive connotation)

Meaning: be thankful for what you have; focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have

Origin: The idea that we all have many blessings, good things, in life, and if we focus on those, and not our sorrows, we will be happier. This saying may come from Psalm 40:5 in the Bible:

Lord my God,
    no one can compare with you.
You have done many wonderful things.
    You have planned to do these things for us.
There are too many of them
    for me to talk about.   New International Readers’ Version   (Read in Chinese)

1. “Mom, I hate school,” Mandy said. “Some of the teachers are mean and there’s too much homework.”  Mom replied: “Count your blessings: think of all the children in the world who can’t go to school, and will probably never make anything out of their lives!”

2. “Count your blessings” is such a popular saying, it even inspired the popular hymn written in 1897 (read its story here) and its 2017 remix (story here).


(I/he/she/we) didn’t get the memo  (aka I didn’t get the email.)

Do what you have to do (positive connotation)    (See also, “It is what it is”)

Meaning: Take responsibility and do your job, even if (and especially if) the task is hard, unpleasant, or has unexpected aspects you suddenly have to face

Origin: A person needs to be responsible and do one’s job
1. In early 2020, DreyerCoaching student Lucy was visiting her grandparents with her mom and dad in Beijing for what she thought would be a few days for Chinese New Year, when the city government issued a sudden lockdown to try to stop the virus pandemic. Unable to go back home or even retrieve her books, she stayed put and Scott Dreyer texted her photos of her book pages; Lucy was able to use those page images and go online for class using her grandparents’ WIFI. All in all, Lucy was in lockdown with at her grandparents’ house for 82 but never missed a class. She did what she had to do.

2. “Mom, I’ve got hours of homework left to do, and it’s already 9:00 pm!” Billy complained. Mom calmly replied: “Do what you have to do.”

(Don’t) be a doormat.  (negative connotation)

Meaning: do not be so weak and accepting, that other people feel like they can treat you badly or meanly.

Origin: If someone feels like they can be mean to you or take advantage of you, we say “You let that person walk all over you.” And since a doormat is on the floor and people walk on it, we say, “Don’t be a doormat.”

1. Richard is so weak and spineless, he lets everyone at work walk all over him but he still does most of the work. He’s got to stop being such a doormat.

2. It is important for a husband and wife to compromise and cooperate to make the marriage successful, but that does not mean that one member of the marriage treats the other like a doormat. Respect has to go both ways.

Here are some good quotations about NOT “being a doormat.”

Value yourself. The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes.  —Leo. F. Buscaglia, author

If you don’t like being a doormat then get off the floor.  — Alcoholics Anonymous 



Face the music (negative connotation)

Meaning: accept the unpleasant consequences of one’s bad choices

Origin: unknown

1. On Monday the teacher announced there would be a test on Friday, but Billy played computer games and did not study. On Friday when Billy asked if he could take the test later, the teacher responded: “No, I announced the test five days ago; you’ll have to face the music and see how you do.”

2. Many Americans are not saving enough money, so if they get sick or lose their job, they’ll have to face the music and try to get along as well as they can.

Culture Connection: In 1960 Frank Sinatra sang “Face the Music and Dance,” a song written by the legendary Irving Berlin, a Jewish American who also wrote “God Bless America” and “White Christmas.”

Fly off the Handle (negative connotation)
Meaning: to lose one’s temper suddenly; to get angry quickly

Origin: The US pioneer days: As the US got more crowded in the East, many people packed up and moved West. They took their important items with them, usually including an ax. The axes were all handmade. Over time, as you use an ax, the iron head can get loose on the handle. So, sometimes when you pull the handle back, the loose head can “fly off” and HIT someone standing behind you. So, this situation is VERY DANGEROUS, sudden, and unexpected.

1. People feel nervous around our boss–he can fly off the handle without warning.

2. Moms sometimes fly off the handle when they lose patience with their children.  (Mandy in Hsinchu, Taiwan)

3.  Workaholics can fly off the handle due to the heavy tasks they have to deal with.  (Mandy in Hsinchu, Taiwan)


For lots of uses of the word “get,” check out our blog post.

Go with your gut ( aka “follow your gut” or “gut instinct”)


Have a Field Day

(I/he/she/we) heard it through the grapevine

(A) Hole in the wall


In the pink (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be in excellent health, condition, or spirits

(English is a crazy language; Red and Pink are close in color, but “in the pink” is good while “in the red” is bad!)

Origin: unclear

1.Uncle Billy is almost 90, but when we saw him at Christmas, he was in the pink--in great health and with a super attitude!

2. Tom and Freeda have been in the pink since they retired and moved to Florida–they love the warm winters, sunshine, and beaches!

It is what it is   (usually positive connotation)      (See also, “Do what you have to do.”)

Meaning: Try to keep a positive, constructive attitude in the face of difficult or discouraging circumstances. Make the most of your situation.

Origin: “It” refers to your situation or circumstances. You cannot change them, you can only change your approach or attitude toward them.

1.  In early 2020, a global pandemic triggered much death, illness, and an economic collapse across much of the world. No one at DreyerCoaching caused or wanted this, but we all tried to keep an “it is what it is” attitude and kept teaching and learning!

2. “I don’t like my boss and a lot of the customers are rude, but I need my job and the money so I guess I’ll stay– it is what it is,” Wanda told Chris.




Light up like a Christmas tree

Meaning: 1. to be well-illuminated,  2. to be very happy, with a big smile

Origin: Christmas trees are well-lit; earlier with candles, now with lots of pretty electric lights

1. No one wanted to live near the huge Walmart parking lot, because it was lit up lit up like a Christmas tree every night of the year.

2. Felicia lit up like a Christmas tree when she got the acceptance letter from her dream college!




Odd man out (negative connotation)

On Cloud Nine  (also)  On Top of the Worldoncloudnine        (positive connotation)

Meaning: To be very happy; ecstatic

Origin: In some cultures, nine is a lucky number, so Cloud Nine is very high. To be on top of the world is to be at the highest spot possible.

1. Hugo felt on Cloud Nine when his crush told him she liked him.

2. Billy was on Cloud Nine when he was the only student in school that day; everyone called in sick except for him, so the teachers treated him like a king.

On Easy Street         (positive connotation)

Meaning: Life is good and easy; everything is going well

Origin: People’s addresses are on a street, so if you live on Easy Street, you are in a great place!

(Language note: capitalize the “E” and “S,” because they function as place names.)

1. Ben felt like he was on Easy Street after he got a promotion and a big raise.

2. With her new job, apartment, and boyfriend, Carla thought she was living on Easy Street…until her car broke down, leaving her with a $1,000 repair job.

On pins and needles           (negative connotation)

Meaning: This refers to the uncomfortable, nerve-wracking time time spent waiting for important news to arrive or something big to happen.

Origin: Pins and needles have sharp points, so obviously sitting or standing on pins and needles would hurt and you would want to stop the pain!

1. Dave had a job interview on Monday, and he’s on pins and needles waiting to hear back if he got the position or not.

2. Billy was on pins and needles, waiting until the last second until the Nintendo Switch was released.

On the ball      (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be organized, knowledgeable, in control, and “on top of things”

Origin: in soccer and most sports, when the player is “on the ball,” he or she is controlling the ball and doing well at the game.

1. Sandra was always on the ball, so we voted for her to be in charge of the class dance.

2. Joshua is always on the ball when it comes to management, so we chose him to be the secretary of the Huguenots Club.

On the hot seat  (sometimes “in the hot seat”) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be in trouble; to have people mad at you and asking lots of questions

Origin: The electric chair is a means of execution, so it is the actual “hot seat.”

1. Frank was on the hot seat when he showed up to class without having done his part of the group project.

2. Billy was on the hot seat after his brother found out that it was Billy who stole his pizza.

3. Joshua was in the hot seat after he poked someone’s eye with a paper airplane.

On thin ice


Paint the town red (positive connotation)

Meaning: to celebrate in a big, joyful and noisy way

(English is a crazy language. “Paint the town red” is good but “red ink” and “seeing red” are bad.)

Origin: unclear

1. Greg and Maggie wanted to paint the town red the night when they learned he had gotten his promotion.

2. Richard’s plan to paint the town red was cut short when he realized he had left his wallet and keys at home and had locked himself out.

Put all your eggs in one basket

Put on airs

Put (someone) behind bars

Put the brakes on

Put the hammer down

Put the pedal to the metal

Put two and two together  (See also “Read between the lines”)

Put your best foot forward

Put your finger on something

Put your foot down

Put your foot in your mouth (aka “Shoot yourself in the foot”)

Put your John Hancock on it

Put your money where your mouth is

Put your shoulder to the wheel

Putting on the Ritz (positive connotation)

Meaning: to wear fancy, expensive clothes

Origin: The Ritz Hotel in London is a well-known symbol of wealth and high-living. Songwriter Irving Berlin wrote the song “Puttin’ on the Ritz” in 1927, (during the Roaring 20’s), and a movie by this name featured dancer Fred Astaire. Hear the song and see Astaire in this video.

1. If you attend the big gala Saturday night, you’ll see lots of the wealthiest people in our city putting on the ritz.

2. Everybody in our company is asked to put on the ritz in order to show how powerful the company is, since other famous corporations like Tencent will also take part in the conference this year.


Quick on the draw  (aka. Quick on the Trigger, Quick on the uptake)  (positive connotation)

Meaning: be quick to make a decision, do something, or make a response

Origin: In the American “Wild West” of the 1800’s, there was little or no legal system. The nearest judge and court might be 500 miles away. Many people had to rely on their gun skills to defend themselves or uphold justice. So, “to be quick on the draw” meant to be able to pull a gun out quickly and use it correctly in case of sudden danger or challenge.

1. It’s hard to play a joke on Uncle Bob; he’s so quick on the draw, he can usually see it coming and think of a quick comeback.

2. Our math teacher is quick on the draw. Whenever we make a calculation mistake, she can almost always identify it right away.

Quiet as a mouse

Meaning: very quiet or still

Origin: Mice are small, quiet animals that secretly go about looking for food or hiding places. With cat, dogs, and owls about, a noisy mouse will quickly be a dead mouse! This is one of MANY animal similes in English, such as: sly as a fox, stubborn as a mule, wise as an owl, poor as a church mouse, etc.

1. Quiet as a mouse, Maggie tried to slip back into her house after curfew, but her mom caught her.

2. Quiet as a mouse, Billy tried to sneak into the lecture hall at the back so the professor would not see that he was late again.

(It’s) quite a sight  (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: something is beautiful or amazing to look at

Origin: a “sight” is an incredible view

1. The fall colors here in the mountains are quite a sight. (Note: this idiom is often used to describe a view of nature or beauty.)

2.  When teachers from other schools came to visit my school’s cafeteria, all of them flooded into the front gate and the whole first floor was so crowded that not a single student could step in. It was quite a sight.  – Lucy in Beijing

3.  Ellie and her family went camping on a cold day in the Fall. They found a stunning view, a hill full of red maple trees. “It is quite a sight!” Ellie cried.  — Felicia in Taipei


R and R  (positive connotation)

Meaning: Rest and Relaxation; to take a break from work and have some fun.

Origin: The US and UK military forces allow set times for “Rest and Relaxation” when soldiers are allowed to leave their place of duty and go on a short vacation somewhere.

1. During the Korean War, many US servicemen went to Japan for R and R because Japan was close, at peace, and more developed than Korea.

2. “I’ve been working really hard so we’re going to the beach for some much-needed R and R,” Dad told his family.

Rain Check  (positive connotation)

Meaning: a ticket that shows you can get into an event later, or get an item at a sale price if it is SOLD OUT now.

Origin: in the 1880’s, baseball games gave rain checks to fans in case the game was rained out, so the fans could attend another game later.

1.Mom had a coupon for 50 cents off toothpaste, but when she got to the store, that item was sold out; so, she asked the store manager “May I have a rain check?”

2.  Arianna has been looking for a T Rex costume for weeks, so when the supermarket finally had a discount on it, she rushed to the counter but found out they were all sold out. So she smiled splendidly and asked: “Can I have a rain check please?”   – Lucy in Beijing.

3. Ellie just had her birthday yesterday. She received a ticket to go to a concert where her idol would perform on stage. She was ecstatic. However, when the day finally came, she was blocked from the stage. So she asked the staff to give her a rain check. That way, she can go to the concert the next day.  – Felicia in Taipei

Raining Cats and Dogs  (negative connotation)

Meaning: A heavy rain

Origin: uncertain

1. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there,” Ricky said as he came in, soaking wet.

2. “It’s raining cats and dogs — I just stepped in a poodle” is an old, corny joke, because “poodle” looks and sounds a bit like “puddle.”

3. Billy did not want to take a shower; luckily, it was raining cats and dogs, so all he had to do was to step outside.  –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Rain or Shine

Meaning: We plan to do something, or have an activity, no matter what the weather is; rain will not stop us (Note: this saying is usually to announce an activity that will be held, no matter what.)

Origin: Most weather conditions fall under two main categories: rain, or the sun is shining, so “rain or shine” covers all weather conditions

1. The church picnic will be at 12:00 on Saturday, rain or shine.

2. Billy wanted his outdoor birthday party to be held rain or shine, but because nobody wants a soggy birthday cake, he moved his party indoors.  –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Raise an eyebrow  (Raise eyebrows)  (negative connotation)

Meaning: to say or do something that surprises other people

Origin: When people are surprised, they often show it through body language like raising an eyebrow

1. Meredith raised a few eyebrows when she showed up at school with her hair dyed bright green.

2. The principal raised a few eyebrows when she said all the teachers had to stay after school to provide extra tutoring, but that they wouldn’t get paid any extra for it.

Raise Cain (Raising Cain)   (usually negative connotation, but it can be positive, in the sense of “having a good time.”)

Meaning: to make lots of trouble or noise; to do bad things and get in trouble

Origin: This is another idiom from the Bible. According to the book of Genesis, the first people were Adam and Eve, and their first two sons were Cain and Abel. Cain got mad and killed his brother, so Cain was a big trouble-maker.

1. I’m going to raise Cain if our boss wants us to work again this weekend– I’m getting tired of it!

2. We used to spend a lot of time driving around and raising Cain when we were teenagers, then we all got married and settled down.

3. Billy is the only person who can raise Cain and get away with it; he always blames the trouble making on his twin brother.  — Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Rally ‘Round the Flag  (aka Rally the Troops)  (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: to gather a family or group together to show strength and unity, especially in hard times; in politics, citizens usually become more patriotic and support their government more when there is a foreign threat or enemy

Origin: the first person known to say “rally ’round the flag” was General (and later President) Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 (which ironically was the biggest battle in the War of 1812–and fought several weeks after the war had officially ended!). Jackson is on the $20 bill today. (source)   A famous US Civil War song “The Battle Cry of Freedom” repeats this idiom over and over. It inspired the North to keep fighting defeat the South, preserve the Union, and end slavery. The part “down with the traitor” means “defeat the South” and the part “up with the star” means “keep the US flag up high.”

1. Aunt Sally has been very sick this year, so we’ll try to rally the troops to get the whole family to get together to see her this Christmas.

2. The surprise little 1982 Falklands War began when the leader of Argentina tried to use the “Rally ‘Round the Flag” effect to stir up support at home by attacking the Falkland Islands, which he claimed as Argentinian. However, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher fought back and re-won the tiny islands. The “Rally ‘Round the Flag” phenomenon worked for her, because she stayed in office until 1990!  Watch the video to learn more.

(The) Rat Race  (negative connotation)

(Language note: Chinese has only 1 word for “rat” and “mouse,” (鼠 Shǔ) but in English, these two animals are different. Rats are big, ugly, and scary, while mice are smaller and some think they look cute. That is why Walt Disney created the famous cartoon character “Mickey Mouse” but NOT “Ronald Rat.”

Meaning: This represents the busy, competitive life that many workers have on a daily basis: wake up early, rush to work, work hard, try to make lots of money, get ahead of your co-workers and the competition, go home late, fall asleep exhausted, and wake up the next day and repeat!

Origin: From rats in a laboratory experiment, racing through a maze to be the first to get the cheese.

1. After twenty years of the rat race as a well-paid New York City lawyer, Bill quit his practice and moved to Virginia to be an organic farmer.

2. Some say, “Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat.” So, there is more to life than making money and beating the competition. It is important to be a nice person.

3. After those years, Ellie finally escaped the rat race; she retired.  –Felicia in Taipei, Taiwan

(Like) Rats Abandoning a Sinking Ship    (negative connotation)

Meaning: When an organization or place is in serious trouble, many of the people there will try to get out to escape

Origin: Old ships often have many rats aboard, so if the ship is sinking and filling with water, the rats will try to escape and swim away to safely

1. The school principal was more and more unpopular and unreasonable, so tons of teachers were leaving like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

2. We thought the new boss would improve our company, but it turns out he’s a real jerk, so people are leaving like rats abandoning a sinking ship. I’m looking for a new job too. 

3. Billy’s company was going bankrupt, so the employees are resigning like rats abandoning a sinking ship.   –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Read Between the Lines  (See also “Put 2 and 2 together”)

Meaning: To use your mind and context clues to infer a meaning or message that is not stated plainly in obvious language; to figure something out by putting clues together. Today this idiom can refer to something written, spoken, or just in life.

Origin: Some old secret messages included invisible ink or hidden messages written between the lines of a normal-looking letter.

1. Molly didn’t say she can’t come home for Christmas, but she said she will be busy this winter, so reading between the lines I don’t think we’ll see her.

2. Margaret says she still likes Ben, but she’s spending a lot of time with other guys lately–reading between the lines, I think they’ll break up soon.

Read (someone) the Riot Act  (negative connotation)

Meaning: to severely scold or warn someone

Origin: In 1714, the English government passed “the Riot Act,” a law that made unlawful crowds break up and go away. However, a government official first had to read the act out loud, and then wait one hour, before the act could go into effect. So, the official literally had to “read the riot act” before taking action.  Here is part of it: “Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of King George, for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King!”   The punishment for failure to obey? Death!  (source)

1. Mom read Billy the riot act when he brought home a report card full of D’s and F’s.

2. The judge read Carly the riot act when she had been caught speeding three times in three months; after a good scolding, he assigned her to a Driver Improvement Program (DIP) class and suspended her license for a month.

3. The students have been behaving much better since the class monitor read the riot act last week.  –Lucy in Beijing

4. “Billy has been stepping over the line, it is time to read him the riot act,” Billy’s father said. –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

(The) Real Deal (positive connotation; see also “Real McCoy”)

Meaning: to be honest and true, the real thing, not fake

Origin: unknown, but many idioms are rhymes

1. The designer bag Emily bought in New York isn’t a cheap fake, it’s the real deal.

2.  In our shallow world, it’s hard to find loyal friends, or more importantly, a loyal husband or wife. When you find someone who’s the real deal, treasure that person!

(The) Real McCoy (positive connotation; see also “Real Deal”)

Meaning: the real thing, not a substitute, fake copy or impostor

Origin: unclear, but many believe it comes from the black US-Canadian inventor Elijah McCoy; he invented a “lubricating cup” that automatically oiled train axles and wheels and had the name “McCoy” on it. Many people later tried to copy his invention, but since his was the best, buyers insisted on buying his invention, or “the real McCoy. (read more)

1. For years we had an artificial Christmas tree, but in recent years we’ve bought a live tree; a natural tree is the real McCoy, and it looks and smells so nice.

2. If you buy luxury items from a street vendor, it’s easy to be tricked–fakes are always a lot cheaper than the real McCoy.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be distracted by meaningless details while disaster is striking; to ignore real danger by focusing on trivia

Origin: The famous ship Titanic sank in 1912, killing 1,503 people, including some of the world’s richest. Obviously, as the Titanic was sinking, rearranging the chairs on the deck would help no one and actually be a waste of time.

1. Many of the teachers were deeply concerned that many of their students could barely read or write, so when the school system told them to spend more time on record-keeping and testing, instead of actual instruction, they felt like they were rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

2. How often in life do we ignore crucial issues and instead get sidetracked by trivia, simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic instead of focusing on what is truly important?

(Give someone the) red carpet treatment. (positive connotation; see below)

Roll out the red carpet.  (positive connotation, see also “Give someone the red carpet treatment”)

Meaning: to give a grand, showy welcome to a guest.

Origin: When a president or king visits a country, the hosting president often has a long, red carpet rolled out to show how much they respect and welcome their new guest. From this we also get the idiom, “Roll out the red carpet.”

1. The King of Saudi Arabia gave President Trump the red carpet treatment when Trump visited the Middle East in 2017.

2. Several years ago I taught a student in Beijing who attended a school near Tiananmen Square. Once when the King of Jordan visited China, he and his classmates were brought out to wave Chinese and Jordanian flags and participate in the red carpet treatment as the President of China welcomed the king.

3. Our boss told us we will roll out the red carpet when the company president comes to visit from New York next month, to give him a good impression of our office. (Note: this is symbolic language. The boss will probably NOT have an actual red carpet, but will make fancy preparations to welcome the company president in order to make a good first impression.)

Red Herring (negative connotation)

Meaning: Literal: a herring is a small fish that turns dark reddish or brown when salted and smoked; Symbolic: Something someone deliberately introduces to confuse or mislead others; something that distracts from the real issue, so people are fooled or confused; it often may have a kernel of truth, but its main goal is to trick and mislead others

Origin: Hunting dogs have excellent noses and can track animals; smoked herring (the plural has no -s, like “deer” or “sheep”) have a strong odor, so if you drag a red herring across the ground, it can trick the dogs into following it so they lose the scent of the hunted animal or criminal

1. Good authors of mysteries fill their novels with red herring so the readers follow lots of rabbit trails and dead ends.

2. Magicians like to wave one hand to catch everyone’s attention so they can do the real trick with the other hand. Someone said politicians and the media do that too: they use red herring so people focus on trivia or side issues instead of the really important matters.

Red Ink  (In the Red) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be in debt; to be out of money, broke; to spend more money than you take in   (In contrast, “in the black” means to be making money, so “Black Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving, is a day when most store owners hope to make a big profit and maybe be “in the black” for the first time that year.)

(English is a crazy language. Red and pink are close in color, but “in the red” and “see red” are bad while “in the pink” is good. Also “paint the town red” is good.)

Origin: Some clerks in western countries used red ink to show financial losses or debts; in contrast, black shows profits, so “In the Black” is good, because you are making money

1. USDEBTCLOCK.org shows the skyrocketing red ink for the US government, household debts, student debt, etc. The US government budget has been in the red for a long time. What a disgrace!

2. When I was in Taiwan and watched the stock reports on the TV news, I was surprised to see red ink showed stocks that went UP that day, and green showed stocks that went DOWN. In the US, it is the opposite!

Red-Letter Day (positive connotation)

Meaning: a special day to celebrate and remember

Origin: As long as 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome, special days and holidays were printed in red on calendars. Even today, many calendars use red ink to denote a holiday.

1. May 8, 1945 was a red-letter day across most of the world when Nazi Germany surrendered, thus ending World War II in Europe. That date is called VE Day today, for Victory in Europe.

2. Reaching your 18th or 21st birthday is a red-letter day for most people–adulthood!

Red Tape (negative connotation)

Meaning: lots of bureaucratic paperwork and requirements

Origin: Most believe this saying started with the King of Spain in the 1500s, who began using red tape or ribbon to mark and hold together important documents.

1. When I taught in Taiwan, we had lots of red tape to deal with at the end of each school year– the teachers got a sheet that required multiple people to sign off that the teacher had turned in grades, cleaned the classroom, etc.

2. “Red Tape Holds Up Bridges” is an actual newspaper headline. Can you figure out its ironic double meaning?   (English is a crazy language! Even native speakers have trouble with it!)

3. There was a lot of red tape when I graduated from university, because I had to go to many different offices and get signatures before I could get my diploma.  — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

(Don’t) Reinvent the wheel (negative connotation)

Meaning: to “reinvent the wheel” means, go to a lot of work to make something that has been created before; to waste time and effort. Therefore, “Don’t reinvent the wheel” means “save work and energy; use what has been made before, instead of working hard to duplicate what someone else has already done.” This relates to: “work smarter, not harder.”

Origin: The wheel is one of mankind’s oldest and most useful inventions, so now that we have it, there is no need to invent it again.

1. At DreyerCoaching.com, we give each student a feedback sheet every nine weeks to show them their progress, and since we don’t want to reinvent the wheel, we use the same basic form each quarter.

2. Mr. Crawford introduced his history project this way to his students: “Class, if you just follow these five simple steps, and give us the information I am asking for, you will get an A on this project. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.”

Riding Shotgun (positive connotation)

Meaning: to sit in the front passenger seat of a vehicle, next to the driver

Origin: In the Wild West days of stagecoaches, the driver held the horses’ reins while someone sat next to him holding a shotgun. Travel over long distances in the Wild West was dangerous, with possible attacks from native Americans, bandits, or wild animals, so travelers usually were armed.

(Cultural note: This is one of MANY gun-related idioms in English, because the free ownership of guns has played an important role in the freedom-loving history of English-speaking peoples. Other examples include: Don’t jump the gun, fire away, pull the trigger, a shot across the bow, etc.)

1.”I call shotgun,” Benny called as the kids rushed toward the car.

2. When our kids were young and we took long road trips in our van, I usually drove, my wife rode shotgun, and the kids sat in the middle or back. Great memories!

(The) right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. (negative connotation)

Meaning: There is total confusion and no coordination, especially in an organization; no one knows what is going on

Origin: This is one of MANY idioms from the Bible. This is from Matthew 6:3-4. Ironically, this saying has a negative connotation today, but Jesus said it with a positive connotation.  When you do some good deed, do it privately so that God, and not other people, will praise you.

1. This school is driving me crazy: the department chairman tells us to raise our academic standards, but the principal says “no students can fail here.” We teachers can’t do both of those same things!  The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing!

2. I just left a meeting where the marketing director said we have to start shipping our new product in three weeks, but the secretary heard from the packaging director that shipping starts tomorrow! No wonder everyone here has a headache: the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing! 

Right off the Bat (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: immediately; right away, without any delay; to take quick action

Origin: It probably comes from baseball; once a ball comes off the bat, the player has to start running toward first base right away.

1. The other teachers had warned the substitute teacher that Billy was a troublemaker, so when he started acting up in class, she sent him to the principal’s office right off the bat.

2. We were happy to hear that Larry applied for a new job and got hired right off the bat! He starts Monday.

3. When Billy saw the police coming, he ran away right off the bat; little did he know that policemen seldom arrest people who forget to turn in their homework in time. –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

4. During my trip in Japan, all the adults went shopping right off the bat  when they heard there was a 40% discount, while we children chose to sleep in the hotel yawning all the time.

5. When I submitted my application, the university sent me an offer, right off the bat. — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

6. Ellie ran away right off the bat after she heard a gun shot.  — Felicia in Taipei, Taiwan

Right out of the Box (aka Right out of the Gate) (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: Both mean “right away, from the very beginning,” but with a small difference of usage (see below).

Origin: “Right out of the box” comes from computers or software. You just open the box and can start using the item. So, you usually use this idiom to refer to a product, item or food you can start using right away.

“Right out of the gate” comes from horse racing. Horses are kept in stalls and, when the race starts, the gates are opened and all the horses rush out. So this idiom refers to an action starting right away (See “Right off the bat”)

1. It’s amazing how technology has grown so quickly. You can buy a computer and start using it right out of the box.

2. “Honey, this lasagna is delicious.”

“Thanks, Ben, but it’s right out of the box. I just put it in the microwave and it was ready in 20 minutes!”

3. The Eagles started the basketball game strong right out of the gate. They scores 8 points in the first two minutes.

4. The meeting got off to a bad start right out of the gate, when the boss told the new employee to put her phone away and she got a bad attitude.

Right then and there   (See also “right off the bat” and “right out of the gate”) (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: immediately; on the spot; right away

1. Billy was walking Claire to her locker and right then and there he asked her for a date.

2. Glen strolled into PE class five minutes late and the teacher told him to do 25 push-ups right then and there.

Ring a Bell (positive connotation)

(Note: This is usually used as a question: “Does that ring a bell?”  It can also be used in the negative: “That doesn’t ring a bell.”)

Meaning: to bring up something you can remember or recall

Origin: unknown

1. I met a guy this weekend named Doug; he says he went to elementary school with you. Does that ring a bell?

2. Pearl said someone named Hank used to work with me, but that doesn’t ring a bell at all. 

Rise and Shine (positive connotation)

Meaning: to wake up in the morning with a great attitude

Origin: When the sun rises in the morning, it shines, thus warming and lighting everything

1. “Rise and shine” mom called at 6:30 on the first day of school.

2. “I’d better be getting to bed, so I can rise and shine bright and early in the morning–I have a big meeting at 8:00 tomorrow,” Larry said.

(Don’t) Rob Peter to pay Paul

(Don’t) Rock the Boat (“rock the boat” negative connotation)

Meaning: “Rock the boat” means to upset people or the status quo (current situation). So, “don’t rock the boat” means “do not upset people by bringing changes; keep things the way they are.”

(Note: this idiom is usually used in the NEGATIVE: “Don’t rock the boat.”)

Origin: People should sit still in a small boat so the boat stays stable. If people move around in a boat they might rock the boat; that can make everyone feel uncomfortable, and the boat might even sink.

1. Mary comes late to most of our gatherings. Sometimes I’d like to speak with her about it, but I don’t want to make her mad because she might stop coming completely. I don’t want to rock the boat, so I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut.

2. We have a bipolar boss: he’s happy one moment and furious the next. I’ve thought about confronting him but all my friends warn me, “Don’t rock the boat,” so the problem continues.

3. Billy wanted the school to rock the boat and get rid of the school cafeteria because their food was revolting. Surprisingly, the school agreed since the teachers all had the same thought.   –Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

4. My classmates are sometimes loud in class, but every time I try to stop them, Claudia tells me “don’t rock the boat” because nothing I say will make any difference.  — Lucy in Beijing, China

“Don’t Rock the Boat” was a big hit from 1974; take a listen.

Roll the Dice (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: to take a big risk or chance, with possible outcomes of a huge success or terrible failure.

Origin: This comes from gambling or playing board games, where you roll the dice and the result–and winning or losing–is seemingly up to pure chance

(Language Note: “dice” is a plural noun, but the singular is “die.”)

1. Billy felt nervous asking the prettiest girl in class if she’d go to the school dance with him, but he decided to roll the dice and ask her anyway.

2. Ben didn’t think he had much of a chance of getting the new job, but he chose to roll the dice and apply anyway. To his pleasant surprise, he got called in for an interview!

Roll out (a new product) (positive connotation)

Meaning: a business will introduce a new product or service to the marketplace

Origin: “to roll out” can mean to put out or deliver, (See “Roll out the red carpet”)

1. Each spring, we at DreyerCoaching are DELIGHTED to roll out our new classes for the upcoming school year. Click here to find out more about how our classes work.

2. It’s hard for most people during the hot summer to think about Christmas, but savvy business leaders are already planning how to roll out merchandise for the lucrative Christmas shopping season.

Roll with the Punches (positive connotation)

Meaning: to stay flexible when life gets hard or your circumstances turn bad

Origin: A punch is a hit, and in boxing when a person tries to hit you, you should try to roll away to avoid or reduce the force of the hit

1. Life has its unexpected twists and turns, so you have to learn to roll with the punches and keep going.

2. One of the most valuable skills in life is to know how to stay flexible and roll with the punches when things don’t go your way.

3. Ellie’s life never knocks her down since she always rolls with the punches. — Felicia in Taipei, Taiwan

4. I was very frustrated with my recent physics quiz, but mom told me I should learn to roll with the punches. — Lucy in Beijing, China

5. In the process of growing up, I learned how to roll with the punches. — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

English is a crazy language! What does this picture mean?

(A) Rolling Stone gathers no Moss

Rome wasn’t build in a Day (positive connotation)

Meaning: it takes a lot of time and effort to make something great and valuable; be patient and keep waiting for and working for success.

Origin: The City of Rome, the capital of the great Roman Empire, was the leader of much of the world for hundreds of years. It has many beautiful buildings and roads that took lots of time, money, and work to build.

1. It is easy for students to get tired and discouraged, as they face all the homework, tests, and grades. However, it is important to remember: Rome wasn’t build in a day!  Be encouraged and keep on going!

2. Learning a foreign language is a long-term process, but Rome wasn’t built in a day! And DreyerCoaching.com can help you!

(See the world through) Rose-colored Glasses  (negative connotation)

Meaning: Having an overly-optimistic and unrealistic view of people, situations, or the world; not being able to recognize dangers, flaws, or painful truths

Origin: glasses affect how you see things. Good glasses should give you clear vision. However, if you look at life or people through glasses that have pink or rose-colored lenses, everything looks pretty and you cannot see dangers or life as it really is

1. Being positive and optimistic is an important part of a happy life; however, if you go too far, you might look at the world through rose-colored glasses and miss dangers or warning signs.

2. Molly thinks everybody is a good person. Since she looks at everything through rose-colored glasses, I’m afraid she will get really hurt some day.

3. Ellie finally took off her rose-colored glasses after her best friend betrayed her.  — Felicia in Taipei, Taiwan

4. A lot of young people look at their idols though rose-colored glasses; they think their idols are the most perfect people in the world.  — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

5. Ever since Ivy felt in love with Thomas, she has looked at things through rose-colored glasses, and does not listen to others who tell her that he is not a good person.  — Lucy in Beijing, China

(One) Rotten Apple spoils the Barrel (negative connotation)

Meaning: one person who behaves badly and breaks the rules messes things up for everyone else; a single bad influence can ruin what would otherwise remain good; avoid negative, “rotten” people

Origin: If you have a barrel of good apples but one is rotten, the rot can gradually spread to the others

1. We used to be able to go anywhere in school during noon break until a couple of kids went to the bathroom and got in a water fight, so now we all have to stay in our classroom during break time. It’s not fair, but our teacher told us, “one rotten apple spoils the barrel.”

2. Most people are honest with their medications, but a few take too many and get addicted, so now the laws are stricter and it’s harder for everyone to get pain killers. Marie is mad about that, because it’s harder for her now to get the medications she needs for pain management. One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Roughing it (usually negative connotation, but it is often used jokingly)

Meaning: to live without modern conveniences of home, like electricity, a soft bed, and running water

Origin: “rough” means “not smooth,” as in “He had a rough beard after not shaving for two days.” So, “roughing it” is living without smooth comforts of home

1. Lots of people enjoy camping because they like the change of pace of roughing it for a day or two.

2. After the huge 2012 windstorm knocked out power for millions for days or even weeks, I think my parents actually enjoyed roughing it for about a week without electricity or running water. Dad carried water up from the lake and boiled it on his gas grill and shaved outside on his deck–they cooked canned food the same way. Pretty amazing, especially considering mom and dad were in their 80’s!

Historical Note: Roughing It was also a famous book by American author Mark Twain.

(A) Round Peg in a Square Hole (negative connotation)

(Language note: this idiom can be reversed to: “A square peg in a round hole.”)

Meaning: a person feels like they never completely belong or fit in; feeling like an outsider or you don’t belong or “fit in” with any group; being a “misfit.”

Origin: a common children’s game lets kids put pegs in the right holes. However, a square peg will never quite fit in a round hole, or vice versa.

1. Most schools reward kids who can sit still, listen to their teachers, and do well with book work. However, kids who are physically active or like to learn by doing will often feel like a round peg in a square hole. (Such children might feel like this.)

2. The term “third-culture kids” refers to children whose parents are from one culture, but they grow up in a second culture, and become a blend of the two. An advantage for these young people is they can get along with many different kinds of people, yet a disadvantage is they can feel like a square peg in a round hole, never really fitting in anywhere.

3. The 1964 hit Christmas movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer shows an island of misfit toys. Those toys surely felt like a square peg in a round hole.

4. Being the only adult in the elementary school classroom, Billy felt like a round peg in a square hole standing in front of the classroom.  — Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

5. Carl is the only boy in the class who is not interested in either sports or super heroes, so he feels like a round peg in a square hole when other boys are talking about Avengers: The Endgame these days. — Lucy in Beijing, China

6. The only foreigner in our school feels like a round peg in a square hole. — Thomas in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Rub Elbows (Shoulders) with someone (positive connotation)

Meaning: to often be close to other people, especially important, well-known people

Origin: When you are physically close to someone, your elbows or shoulders might actually touch

1. Some parents encourage their children to get part-time jobs at a country club because they want their kids to rub elbows with wealthy, well-educated, well-connected people in their town.

2. Since John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush were both sons of presidents, they grew up rubbing shoulders with important people–that surely helped them both become presidents themselves.

3.Ellie still cannot believe that she rubbed elbows with her idol.  — Felicia in Taipei, Taiwan

4.  I believe that growing up rubbing shoulders with my father is the luckiest thing for me.  — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

Rub (someone) the wrong way (negative connotation)

Meaning: to irritate, annoy, or anger someone (Note: this usually refers to a person whose speech, behavior or policy annoys or irritates you)

Origin: cats and dogs have fur (hair) that runs one way, from the head toward the tail. When you pet an animal in the direction of their fur, it feels good, but if you rub your hand the wrong way, from the tail to the head, it bothers the animal and makes them uncomfortable. A cat might even bite you to get you to stop!

1. If someone’s posts on Facebook always rub you the wrong way, it might be time to unfollow or even unfriend that person.

2. President Trump rubs a lot of people the wrong way, yet millions of others still love him.

(Where the) Rubber meets the Road (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: to get serious; where an idea or theory is actually put to the test and used; to see if a theoretical idea will actually work or not

Origin: A car or truck is large and heavy, but it only touches the road in four small spots: where the bottom of the rubber tire actually touches the pavement. Good tires will keep a car or truck on the road, but bad tires can cause a vehicle to skid and crash. (Life lesson: be sure you have good, high-quality tires on your vehicles!)

1. Good parents try their best to raise their kids to be mature, responsible adults, but the rubber meets the road when the kids move out on their own and start making all their own choices.

2. For awhile I had the idea to see if I could live in the US but teach English over the internet to students in other countries.  On October 22, 2008 we let the rubber meet the road when we launched our first online ESL class to students in Hsinchu, Taiwan!

3. With the teacher’s help, Bob was able to solve all the math problems. However, when the rubber met the road, he didn’t know how to solve the problems and failed the test.  –Thomas in Hsinchu, Taiwan

4. The rubber met the road when Billy decided to use real lemons in his lemonade; in a world where everything is made in factories, Billy has to spend a lot of money on lemons. — Ricky in Hsinchu, Taiwan

5. Two years ago, I’d never thought about studying abroad, but one year ago I let the rubber meet the road and now I’ve been admitted to Boston University.  — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

6. My classmates and I have been preparing for the school festival for three whole weeks; next Tuesday, when the festival will be held, is where the rubber meets the road.  — Lucy in Beijing, China

Rule of Thumb (positive connotation)

Meaning: a general principle or guideline that is useful in many or most cases, but it is NOT a set law that should be applied 100% of the time; an idea or principle that comes from practical usage, not a strict law

Origin: unknown, but many believe it comes from a man’s thumb being about 1 inch long from the tip to the first joint, so without a ruler, you can roughly measure a distance

1. When I was at William and Mary, some professors said a good rule of thumb is study and do homework about three hours for each hour of class time. Here’s why: most high school students are busy in classes for about 35 or more hours a week, so when they go to college and only have some  12-15 hours of classes, many think they have lots of “free time” and go crazy with it. However, college workloads are heavy, so a big part of success or failure depends on how wisely they use their time OUT of class.

2. If you want to learn a foreign language, a good rule of thumb is: review what you have learned and spend some time with the new language every day.

3. Everyone should have a rule of thumb to control their screen time every day. — Thomas in Hsinchu, Taiwan

4. If you want to learn more things in school, you need to follow a rule of thumb: to get on well with your teachers. — John in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

5. A helpful rule of thumb for Eillie is, to remember to take her earphones every day, since her TOFEL test will be in two weeks and she can practice her listening while in the car.  — Lucy in Beijing, China

Run Circles Around Someone (can be a positive or negative connotation, depending on which person you are)

Meaning: to be full of energy, power and skill, so you can seriously overpower and defeat your enemy or competitor

Origin: one person has so much energy and power, he or she can literally run circles around the slower person, who can barely move. Think of a race or basketball game, where one person can run circles around another person yet still win.

1. Most puppies are so full of energy, they can run circles around their owners.

2. Our old lawn care guy was getting lazy, so we hired a teenager who runs circles around the man who used to mow our grass. the new guy can do in two hours what it took the previous man three hours to do.

3. We hope our DreyerCoaching.com students learn English so well, they can run circles around their competitors some day!

What does this saying mean?

Run off at the Mouth (negative connotation– an insult)

Meaning: to talk too much or too loudly, often in a boastful or bragging way

Origin: “to run” can mean to use or to operate, like “to run a chainsaw,” so this saying means to use your mouth too much

1. Gossips have a hard time keeping a secret, so if you want to keep something confidential, don’t tell someone who often runs off at the mouth.

2. We could have kept our plan a secret if Tom hadn’t run off at the mouth and told everyone.

What does this quotation from Russian writer Chekov mean? (Can you identify the second idiom in his quotation?)


Safe and Sound (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be totally safe

Origin: Many English idioms use alliteration, the repetition of a sound. (In this idiom, “sound” is an adjective meaning “safe, solid, secure.”)

1. Parents like it when their kids call home now and then, telling mom and dad they are safe and sound.

2. After a ten-hour drive to the beach, it was good to arrive at the motel safe and sound.

Salt of the Earth (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be a valuable, respected, responsible member of society; a person in the community everyone respects and looks up to

Origin: This, like many idioms, comes straight from the Bible. Jesus told His disciples (followers): “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.  (Matthew 5:13, New International Version)

Traditional Chinese: “你們是地上的鹽;如果鹽失了味,怎能使它再鹹呢?結果毫無用處,唯有丟在外面任人踐踏。 — 马太福音 5:13

Simplified Chinese: “你们是地上的盐;如果盐失了味,怎能使它再咸呢?结果毫无用处,唯有丢在外面任人践踏。— 马太福音 5:13

(See also “Worth your salt” below.)

1. My parents are real salt of the earth types: They have been married since 1951, raised four children, and are active in their church and community.

2. We love our neighborhood: most of the residents are responsible, salt of the earth people.

Save for a Rainy Day (positive connotation)

Meaning: be responsible and save money during times of abundance, so you have extra money during hard times.

Origin: “a rainy day” is dark and cloudy, so it means a time of hardship and difficulty.

1. “Always save a little bit for a rainy day,” grandma used to tell us.

2. Dave Ramsey is a talk radio guru who gives financial advice to millions. His “Baby Step One” is to save for a rainy day by having at least US$1,000 available at all times. (Read Ramsey’s Seven Baby Steps here.)

Saved by the Bell (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be saved from trouble at the last-minute by a sudden, outside source

Origin: In boxing matches, a bell rang to end each period. If a boxer were weak and in trouble, the ring of a bell marked a well-needed rest. (source)

1. Mr. Flanagan asked Megan what year the US Civil War began, but she didn’t know because she had forgotten to do her homework. Then the bell rang, ending class. Megan was saved by the bell — literally!

2. Things were getting hot in the meeting when no one had the information the boss wanted…until his secretary walked in with all the necessary files, and he calmed down. We were all saved by the bell.

Say Grace (aka “Say the Blessing”) (positive connotation)

Meaning: to say a prayer of thankfulness before eating a meal

Origin: “Grace” can mean an undeserved gift from God, and in the Bible Jesus and Paul both paused to say a prayer of thankfulness before eating a meal (source)

1. We always ask Gramps to say grace before our Thanksgiving meal.

2. Brent is a wise guy: whenever we ask, “Who will say grace?” he shouts out “Grace!” and everyone laughs.

Norman Rockwell was a famous American artist whose painting “Saying Grace” was on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post for Thanksgiving 1951. In 2013 it broke a record by selling at auction for over $46 million! Learn more here.

Say a mouthful (positive connotation)

Meaning: 1. to say something very meaningful or deep, or 2. to say something that is long and hard to pronounce; to speak for a long time

Origin: saying something meaningful or difficult to pronounce requires good mouth skills. This phrase was first recorded in 1790. (source)

1. The pastor said a mouthful when he told his congregation that he has struggles in his daily life too.

2. If you can say the German word for Bundesgesundheitsministeriumundesgesundheitsministerium The Federal Ministry of Health– you can say a mouthful!

Say “when”  (positive connotation)

Meaning: When someone is offering you food or drink, they often tell you “Say when,” so you will tell them when you have enough and they should stop serving you more. In this case, you can respond by saying “when,” or just “OK” or “That’s enough.”

Origin: It is probably a short version of “Say when to stop.” (source)

1. As the waiter started to grate cheese onto our salad, he said “say when.”

2. “Say when” grandma told us when she began to pour tea into each person’s cup.

(as) Scarce as Hen’s Teeth (aka “as rare as hen’s teeth) (negative connotation)

Meaning: very rare or hard to find; non-existent

Origin: since hens (female chickens) do not have teeth, hen’s teeth are impossible to find

1. When I lived in Taiwan during the 1990s, buying train tickets with reserved seats around Chinese New Year was as scarce as hen’s teeth.

2. Finding white Americans who can speak Chinese are as scarce as hen’s teeth, but Dennis Woodson and Scott Dreyer are exceptions.

Scot Free  (aka scot-free, go scot free, get off scot-free) (usually positive connotation, but it can be negative to show displeasure at a guilty person getting off without any punishment)

Meaning: totally free, without cost or price

Origin: The Scandinavian word “skat” means “tax” (source), and over time “skat” changed to “scot.”

1. Two boys caught fighting were sent to the principal, but when he realized they were stars on the school’s football team, he just gave them a warning and let them go scot-free.

2. Did you know most of the content on DreyerCoaching.com that Scott Dreyer puts there is scot free?

Scrape the Bottom of the Barrel (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be desperate and take whatever you can find, even if it is of bad quality, because there are no other good options left

Origin: this comes from long ago before refrigeration or canning, when many food items were stored in wooden barrels. When you first open the barrel, you get the newer, fresher product off the top. However, when you get to the bottom of the barrel, you have to scrape what is left off the bottom, and that is usually older product of poor quality

1. Our boss has a hard time attracting and keeping good talent, so he often has to scrape the bottom of the barrel just to fill positions at his company.

2. As the radio host introduced his guest, the guest humbly joked, “I guess you had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to include me on your show today.”

(Barely) Scratch the Surface (negative)

Meaning: to treat or study a subject in a superficial way; to leave most of a topic untouched

Origin: On any item, the surface is the thin outer layer, so to barely scratch the surface, most of the item is left untouched or unexamined

1. A common criticism of many school systems is that classes go too fast in order to “cover the material.” If a history teacher only has two or three days for World War II, the students can barely scratch the surface of that conflict.

2. Charlie has so many emotional problems, during his first session with a counselor he was barely able to scratch the surface of what is bothering him, but at least he’s getting help.

Scream Bloody Murder (negative connotation)

Meaning: 1. to scream in a loud, hysteric voice (literal), 2. to complain loudly (figurative)

Origin: if a person were trying to murder you, or you saw someone trying to commit murder, you would probably scream at the top of your lungs!

1. Bethany screamed bloody murder when Owen tried to take her teddy bear away.

2. The French people screamed bloody murder in 2019 when their government tried to raise their already high gas taxes–that sparked the “yellow vest” protest movement.

Seal the Deal (positive connotation)

Meaning: to reach a final agreement; a final decision is made or piece of evidence is given, that causes both parties to reach a firm agreement

Origin: Many origins include a rhyme, and “to seal” can mean to close or finalize, and “a deal” can mean an agreement.

1. When the interviewer promised Jim a 10% raise and three weeks’ vacation each year, that sealed the deal and Jim took the new job in Texas.

2. Many families are wary of putting their child in online English classes, but when they realized DreyerCoaching.com offers professional teachers who are all native speakers of American English, that seals the deal and they sign up.

See Eye to Eye (Positive connotation)

Meaning: to be in total agreement. (see: “Be on the same page” or “Be on the same wavelength”)

Origin: This saying is ancient, coming from the Old Testament of the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, written about 700 B.C. Read Isaiah 52:8 in English and Chinese. (source)

1. Dave Ramsey says, “It’s important for a husband and wife to see eye to eye on finances.

2. My old boss and I never saw eye to eye, so I finally had to leave and get a new job.

Seeing red (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be very angry

Origin: This is one of many color idioms. Red is often associated with anger, like a bull charging a red cape, and some people claim in times of intense anger they have actually seen red flashes across their eyes.

1. Megan was seeing red when she found out her boyfriend had been texting lots of other girls.

2. Dad was seeing red when he told Billy three times he had to clean his room, but Billy kept refusing.

Sell like Hotcakes  (Going like Hotcakes) (positive connotation)

Meaning: an item is selling very quickly because it is so popular; an item that is easy to sell

Origin: “Hotcakes” is another word for pancakes. Pancakes are cooked in oil and taste best when fresh, right when taken off the griddle. They were popular at early American fairs and church socials, so they went quickly. (source)

1. When gas prices are high, economical cars sell like hotcakes.

2. Chick-fil-A‘s popular peach shakes go like hotcakes during the summer.

Senior Moment (negative connotation, though it is often used jokingly)

Meaning: to be forgetful or get mentally confused

Origin: The word “sen” means “old,” as in “senior” or “senator.” A “senior” may be a 4th year student in high school, college, or an older adult, usually around age 60 or over. Since older people can sometimes lose their mental sharpness, a “senior moment” is when a senior citizen gets confused momentarily.

1. Mom laughs that she is having a senior moment each time she wants to call my name, but she goes through all the names of my brothers and sisters before she gets to my name.

2. Dad complained that he was having a senior moment when he forgot where he had placed his keys.

Set your (my/his/her) Teeth on Edge (negative connotation)

Meaning: To cause annoyance or discomfort, usually a sound, flavor, or idea

Origin: This is one of the many idioms that comes from the Bible. Ezekiel 18:2 and Jeremiah 31:29.

1. Some social media posts really set my teeth on edge, so I may just “unfollow” those people.

2. Screaming children in a restaurant set my teeth on edge.

Shake a Leg (negative connotation)

Meaning: a command to hurry up

Origin: If a person is sitting still, they must move (shake) their legs to get moving

1. “Shake a leg, your ride will be here any minute” mom told Billy.

2. “Please take this note to the office; shake a leg” Mrs. Holt told Claire.

Shape Up or Ship Out (negative connotation)

Meaning: A command to improve your job performance, or else you should leave or maybe get fired

Origin: This is one of the many idioms with alliteration, repeated sounds. “Shape up” means get in good shape or improve your condition. “Ship out” means to leave or go away.

1. The boss was unhappy that his new salesman was not making any sales, so he told him “shape up or ship out.”

2. The dean did not use the exact words “shape up or ship out,” but she told Charles that if his grades did not improve, he could not come back to college the next semester.

Sharp as a Tack (positive connotation)

Meaning: very smart and intelligent      74952585 10220718338126277 1375258101661302784 n

Origin: “sharp” has two meanings: 1. able to cut easily, like a knife (literal), 2. very smart (figurative). Many idioms are this kind of literary device called a simile. They compare two things using the words “like” or “as.” This will help you remember it: “simile” and “as” both have the letter S.

1. Aunt Diane commented that little Sarah is sharp as a tack.

2. At DreyerCoaching.com, we are delighted to see so many of our students are as sharp as a tack, and with guidance from college-educated, native speaker teachers, we love seeing their great growth.

“Real English” Just moments after I added this idiom to this blog page, a high school friend of mine, a nurse, put this on her social media post:

It was a rough three days at work! I had over 14,000 steps each day! But today, I had a special moment that makes it all worthwhile. I met a 101 year old who is turning 102 tomorrow! Sharp as a tack! So I made this individual a bday card from our dept and gave them a pack of gum!

At DreyerCoaching.com, we don’t give you vocabulary lists or grammar rules to memorize: we teach you REAL ENGLISH that REAL PEOPLE use every day.

Shed Light on something (positive connotation)

Meaning: to explain a situation or make public extra information that makes a situation make sense

Origin: Physical light makes things visible, just as darkness makes things invisible. As a metaphor, “light” makes things clear and understandable.

1. A reporter’s job is to shed some light on what is happening in the world today.

2. At DreyerCoaching.com, we want to help you by shedding some light on the crazy English language!

3. The new teacher is full of enthusiasm. He hopes to shed light by answering all his students’ questions.  –Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan

4. The discovery of the wreck shed light on ancient shipbuilding techniques and trading routes.  — Eric in Yangzhou, China

5. In case some students might not fully master how to use our school’s website, our teachers shed light on how to learn online properly. –Lucy in Beijing, China

6. All the people expect that the government will shed some light on our economic problems and lead the country to become a better place from now on. –Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

(The) Shoe is on the Other Foot (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: This shows that a situation is reversed, and something fair or just is happening. A person used to act a certain way to others, but now that person is on the receiving end of the action. The participants have switched places.

Origin: a person wears their right shoe on their right foot, but it would feel uncomfortable to wear their right shoe on their left foot. So, when a person has been in a position of advantage over someone else, it will feel uncomfortable if they end up being in a new, disadvantaged position.

1. Before the US Civil War ended in 1865, slave owners owned other people, but after the slaves were liberated and free to go where they pleased, the shoe was on the other foot!

2. Hank used to be a mean boss to Dale, but after Dale got promoted over Hank, the shoe was on the other foot.

Shoot from the hip (negative connotation)

Meaning: to say or do something quickly, without thought or planning. This is one of MANY gun idioms.

Origin: Before you shoot a gun, you should hold it up in front of your eye so you can carefully aim. If you shoot from the hip, it means you quickly pull the gun from your holster and fire without much aim or care.

1. Our boss has a tendency to shoot from the hip, so we often cringe during meetings with him.

2. Here is a funny story from author and speaker Chuck Swindoll about a CEO who shot from the hip and regretted it:

A steel company was having declining revenues, so the board decided to fire the old CEO and hire a new one to bash some heads together and get serious. On the first day the new CEO arrived, he called a meeting. Everyone was sitting around the table, and one guy seemed relaxed and was leaning back against the wall. The CEO didn’t like it and demanded of him, “How much money do you make a week?” The guy said “About $400.”  The CEO stormed out and got $1,600 cash, returned, threw it on the table and angrily told him, “Here’s 4 week’s pay: Take it, get out, and never come back.” The fellow looked shocked, took the cash, and scrambled out.

All the other employees still sitting around the table looked stunned. The CEO then asked, “what did that guy do around here, anyway?” One guy said, “That was Joe the pizza delivery guy.”


Judges can’t shoot from the hip. They have to think and to decide carefully.  –Eric in Yangzhou, China

Kids always shoot from the hip and get things messed up, but that’s also how they learn their lesson and become more obedient.

— Lucy in Beijing, China
Anna usually shoots from the hip without having all the details. She gives everyone a headache. –Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

Former Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a rally in Missouri in March 2020, seemingly shot from the hip when he said, “We cannot win this re-election:”

Shoot the Breeze (aka Shoot the  Bull, Chew the Fat) (positive connotation)

Meaning: to have a pleasant, relaxed chat with friends, usually about non-serious matters

Origin: unknown, but it may be from talking being like the wind

1. In today’s busy world, it’s hard to find time to just sit and shoot the breeze with a friend.

2. Grandpa likes to hang out at church after service and just shoot the breeze with his pals.

Shoot yourself in the foot (aka “Put your foot in your mouth”) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to say or do something stupid that hurts yourself and your own cause

Origin: In the Old West, people would often get into gun fights. Obviously, you want to shoot the other guy before he shoots you. But if you pull the trigger too fast while your gun is still in your holster, you may “shoot yourself in the foot,” thus injuring yourself.

1. Donald Trump is famous (or infamous) for saying outlandish things and seemingly shooting himself in the foot; yet somehow, he won in 2016.

2. Talking ugly about your old boss is a GREAT way to shoot yourself in the foot in a job interview and sink your chances at the new position.

(Like) Shooting fish in a barrel  (positive connotation)

Meaning: something that is VERY easy to do

Origin: If you have fish in a barrel, it is easy to  shoot them because they have nowhere to hide. That is much easier than trying to shoot (or catch) fish in the ocean.

1. With the recent oil boom in the US state of North Dakota, some say making money there is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

2. “Mr. Smith’s tests? They’re as easy as shooting fish in a barrel,” Brad boasted.

Short and Sweet (usually positive connotation, unless used with sarcasm)

Meaning: to be very concise; to express a lot of meaning with only a few words

Origin: unclear

1. “This will be short and sweet: come in late one more time and you’re fired,” Tim told his tardy employee.

2. “We don’t have much time so let me make this short and sweet. If we don’t get sales up, we will have to let somebody go,” our boss said.

3. The meeting that was supposed to be short and sweet ended up being an everlasting lecture. — Ryan Chen in Taipei, Taiwan

4. I have some news and I’ll make it short and sweet. The finals are cancelled! –Hank Tsai in Hsinchu, Taiwan
5. “Let’s make it short and sweet: if you don’t stay at home but hang out as usual, you might get infected.” our teacher said seriously last week. –Lucy Chen in Beijing
6. Students always want their professors’ lectures to be short and sweet.  –Winnie Feng in Taoyuen, Taiwan

(A) Shot across the Bow (negative connotation)

Meaning: to give a serious warning

Origin: this comes from naval warfare. The bow is the front of a ship. If a captain wants to send a non-violent but very serious warning to an enemy ship, he could order a cannon ball to be shot across and over the bow of the other ship. By shooting over the bow, it doesn’t kill anyone or damage the ship, but it does send a clear message. Back off, or the next shot might be at your ship!

(Language note: “bow” can be the front of a ship OR a respectful bend of the head, body or knee. “Bow” with a long-o sound can be a pretty tied ribbon OR an instrument to shoot an arrow. English is a crazy language!)

1. Our boss told us, if we don’t get more done in the office, we’ll all have to come in on Saturdays to get caught up. That was his shot across the bow.

2. In 1996, Osama bin Laden declared war on the USA; sadly, for the next five years few Americans took his shot across the bow seriously. On 9-11, we tragically realized he had meant business!

Shot down in flames (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be given a serious defeat; to be stopped totally and with great shame

Origin: When one warplane shoots down another, the damaged plane may give off smoke and fire as it crashes to earth

1. Mike thought he had a great idea for the company, but it got shot down in flames when his boss ridiculed the idea in front of everyone else.

2. Billy’s hopes to take Brooke to the prom got shot down in flames when he found out Brad had already asked her out.

3. Our family trip to Japan unfortunately got shot down in flames due to the pandemic. — Hank in Taipei, Taiwan

4. Every proposal he proposed was shot down in flames. –Eric in Yangzhou, China

5. Kevin forgot about the exams and was shot down in flames. –Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan

6. When I was playing video games, I thought I would win in the final lap but unfortunately I was shot down in flames by my friend. –Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

7. Billy’s idea of taking a trip to the newly-opened art museum has been shot down in flames since many of his classmates are busy preparing for the coming SATs. -Lucy in Beijing, China

(A) Shot in the Arm (positive connotation)

Meaning: to get a much-needed boost or assistance

Origin: Whereas most of the “shot” idioms are about guns or war, this is more peaceful–it is about a doctor or nurse giving you a shot (aka injection). A well-timed “shot in the arm” can keep you from serious illness

1. Mark was so homesick, so getting a call from his mom and dad was a real shot in the arm.

2. I had a lot of homesickness, culture shock and loneliness during my year in Germany, so getting a letter or package from home was a real shot in the arm. 

3. Kyle was struggling in math so the extra tutoring was a needed shot in the arm for him.

4.  A needed shot in the arm may save you.  –Eric in Yangzhou, China
5. Billy has been working very late these past couple of weeks, so a quick nap in the afternoon is a shot in the arm for him. –Lucy in Beijing, China
6. Mrs. McKinney’s lecture acted as a shot in the arm for me to take the coming TOEFL test.  –Hank in Taipei, Taiwan
7. Sam was getting bored and depressed during the quarantine. The call he got from his friend was a shot in the arm. –Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan
8. The new factory will give the local economy a needed shot in the arm. –Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

(Take A) Shot in the Dark (negative connotation)

(Language note: usually “take” is the verb in this construction and “shot” is a noun)

Meaning: to make a wild guess without much proof or evidence

Origin: to shoot a gun, you should be able to see your target clearly. If you are in the dark, you cannot see and cannot aim clearly at a target.

1. I don’t know why they don’t like us, but I’ll take a shot in the dark. Maybe they are just jealous?

2. It’s no fun taking an SAT, TOEFL, or other important exam and realizing you don’t know lots of the vocabulary words. Don’t take a shot in the dark! Join a vocabulary/reading class with DreyerCoaching.com today so you will be READY!

3. The Chinese test seems like it has no exact range. No matter how much you study, it is still like a shot in the dark.  –Hank in Taipei, Taiwan

4. Although it was just a shot in the dark, I got the right answer to the teacher’s question. — Eric in Yangzhou, China

5. Tom was so eager to get his driver’s licen[s]e that he took a shot in the dark and went to apply for it without going to a driving school. –Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan

6. Billy’s lost his backpack.  After a morning of searching but not finding it, he took a shot in the dark that someone had stolen it, but later he found out it his three-year-old son had hidden it under an afg[h]an.  –Lucy in Beijing, China

7. Instead of taking a shot in the dark, you should do more research for this project.  –Winnie in Taoyuan Taiwan
You do what you have to do. it is what it is

Shotgun wedding  (link)

(The) Show must go on (positive connotation)

Meaning: Despite a hardship or failure, you have to step up and do what you need to do. Keep doing your job and fulfilling your responsibilities, despite difficulties.

Origin: If a famous singer or actor gets sick or has a problem, the easy thing to do is to just cancel the show. However, dedicated performers will either find a substitute or other solution so they can keep performing and pleasing their audience.

1. During the virus outbreak of early 2020, many schools and companies had to close–many maybe permanently. But at DreyerCoaching, our motto has been, “With God’s help, the show must go on” and we have missed no classes!

2. Even though the star of the show lost her voice today, our drama director told the understudy to perform in her place. The show must go on! 

Show your true colors (negative connotation)

Meaning: to show who you really are and what you really believe

Origin: For centuries, ships have flown flags. Sometimes they might fly a fake flag to fool other ships’ crews, but when they “showed their true colors” (showed which country or group they belonged to), they showed their true identity.

1. Be careful and picky before you marry someone; you don’t want to wait till after the wedding to know your spouse’s true colors.

2. We all thought he was such a nice guy, but after the break-up he showed his true colors.

3. At first Hitler did a lot for Germany and was seen a hero, but he started to show his true colors the longer he was in power.  — Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan
4. He is always polite to everyone at school. However, if you knew how he treated his parents, you’d be startled to see his true colors. — Hank in Taipei, Taiwan
5. At first the beauty adviser was very patient but after her potential client said that she would like time to think about it, the beauty adviser showed her true colors.

— Lucy in Beijing, China
6. Karen quarreled with Anna due to a communication problem, then Anna showed her true colors to everyone.  –Winnie, in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Sick as a dog (negative connotation)

Meaning: Very sick; feeling miserable

Origin: unknown

1. Devon was sick as a dog last night; we think it was something he ate.

2. I can’t go to school today; I’m sick as a dog.

(A) Sight for Sore Eyes (positive connotation)

Meaning: a wonderful person, thing or situation to see, unexpectedly, after a long absence

Origin: Since “sore” means “painful,” the idea is “sore eyes make you feel bad,” so a “sight for sore eyes” makes you happy and comfortable

1. During early 2020, billions of people were in lockdown across the globe due to the virus. For many, seeing loved ones again will be a sight for sore eyes!

2. “You’re a sight for sore eyes! Look how tall you are!” grandma exclaimed when she saw Megan for the first time in a year.

3. After studying for an entire day, the sunset I saw on my way home was genuinely a sight for sore eyes. — Hank in Taipei, Taiwan
4. After the long, dusty journey in the desert, the lake and its cool water was a sight for sore eyes.  — Eric in Yangzhou, China
5. Danny finally got his TV privileges back after he passed his math test. Watching his favorite show again was a sight for sore eyes.  –Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan
6. I haven’t seen Billy since we graduated from primary school; just two weeks ago he came back from the UK due to the virus. He’s really a sight for sore eyes. — Lucy in Beijing, China
7. Since this semester started, I have not visited my grandparents due to the virus. I can’t wait to see them this weekend. It’ll be a sight for sore eyes!  — Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

Drier Weather! A Sight for Sore Eyes!

Silver bullet (positive connotation)  (One of the many “gun idioms,” its first known use was in 1806–source)

Meaning: a “cure-all,” an instant, almost magical solution to a big, long-standing problem

Origin: In legends, only silver could kill a werewolf or vampire, so a silver bullet has magical powers

1. As the world suffers in early 2020 with the virus, many are hoping for a silver bullet like a shot or cure.

2. When it comes to learning a new language, there is no silver bullet: it takes time, work, focus, and environment. And DreyerCoaching.com can help you learn English or Chinese!

Real World English: Listen to episode 407 of the Entreleadership Podcast, starting at 2:01. to hear the idiom “silver bullet” twice. This episode, labeled “2020: A Year in Review” takes excerpts from some of the most popular interviews from 2020. At the end of the episode, the host explains there is no single book, class, or podcast that is a “silver bullet” to teach us all we need to know and solve all our problems. We have to discipline ourselves to read, grow, and learn daily. There is no short-cut to success.

Sink or Swim (usually negative connotation)

Meaning: You have to make up your mind to work hard to be successful; no one can do it for you

Origin: If you are in water as a new swimmer, you usually can do only 1 of 2 things: either sink, or swim! There is no “middle ground.”

1. “Sink or swim,” my 11th grade English teacher Miss Petty always told us when we had to prepare for a big test or project.

2. “Sink or swim,” Mr. Davis said as he smiled a bit and passed out the final exam papers.

Sit tight (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: a command to stay still; don’t move; don’t change your mind

Origin: When you are “tight,” you cannot move.

1. “Sit tight,” the talk radio host often tells his audience before he cuts away to a commercial break.

2. I told Matt “sit tight” as I ran into the church to drop something off with a friend.

3. The captain told his men to sit tight as they were transported to the battlefield.   — Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan
4. The winner of the beauty pageant will be revealed soon, so sit tight and we’ll be right back. — Hank in Taipei, Taiwan
5. If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along and ask them for help. — Eric in Yangzhou, China
6. My parents want me to sit tight and not hang out with friends in quarantine. — Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan
7. Although the lecture is tedious as usual, we are asked to sit tight because this is the last one we will attend in junior high.  –Lucy in Beijing, China

Sitting duck (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be an easy, vulnerable target, easy to attack and overpower

Origin: Ducks can’t fight against an enemy; they can only swim or fly from danger. So, a “sitting duck” is easy to attack and kill.

1. Many women in the US say the right to carry a gun is a kind of “women’s right.” They say, since men are usually bigger and physically stronger than women, women need to be able to carry a gun so they won’t be a sitting duck in case they are ever attacked.

2. Poland, with its flat geography and outdated armed forces, was a sitting duck in 1939: that is why Hitler chose it as his next target, thus beginning the horrors of World War II. 

Sitting Pretty (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be in a great, attractive place, position, or situation

Origin: a person who is “sitting pretty” will look attractive in a photograph

1. Sandra had worked hard all semester and studied well for her finals, so she was sitting pretty when final exam week rolled around.

2. The 2020 virus pandemic triggered massive economic losses and unemployment, but it left Amazon founder Jeff Bezos sitting pretty. Since millions of people stayed home and shopped online, his business kept growing!

Six Feet Under (negative connotation; informal)

Meaning: to be dead and buried

Origin: dead bodies are usually buried six feet under the ground

1. Cutting trees is dangerous work. If you are not careful or make a mistake, you may soon find yourself six feet under!

2. The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible says we should enjoy our lives now, because we cannot enjoy those pleasures when we are six feet under.

Six one way, Half a dozen the other (normally positive connotation)

Meaning: to express the same thing or idea in two different ways; of 2 alternatives, both are about the same

Origin: One dozen is 12, so half a dozen is 6. Therefore, six equals a half-dozen!

1. Whether Michael drives or takes the bus to work, it takes about one hour…so it’s six one way, half a dozen the other.

2. Whether Julie has three classes of 30 minutes each or two classes of 45 minutes each, it’s six one way, half a dozen the other. Either way, she’s getting 90 minutes of instruction each week.

Skeletons in your (my/his/her/our) closet (negative connotation)

Meaning: people find out negative, embarrassing family or personal history about someone

Origin: skeletons belong in the graveyard, so to hide one in your closet means to try to keep a secret

1. One reason most people are afraid to go into politics is because the media or opposition will dig to find some skeletons in their closet.

2. Patrick Henry and his wife Sarah were married at age 16 in 1754. Eventually, the couple had six children. Thanks to his amazing speaking skills, Henry later became a hero of the American Revolution and governor of Virginia. After the birth of their last child, however, Sarah developed a mental illness and was kept in their cellar. Because her husband was wealthy and powerful, he was able to keep that skeleton in his closet well-hidden. (source)

Skin and Bones (negative connotation)

Meaning: very skinny, to the point of looking very unhealthy

Origin: if a person or animal is near starvation, you can actually see the bones under the skin

1. The cat Lil Bit lived an amazing 18 years, but by the end, he was almost skin and bones.

2. When the Allies liberated the Nazi death camps in early 1945, they were shocked to find that most of the survivors were skin and bones! (learn more)

(Keep this fact in mind when in the future people try to tell you “all forms of government are equally valid.” That is bunk!)

3. Many Americans don’t know this, but during the Civil War the South had a Prisoner of War (POW) camp in Andersonville, Georgia where all the Union survivors were skin and bones after the war ended and they were liberated.

(The) Sky’s the Limit (positive connotation)

Meaning: There is no limit to how far and high you go in life; the only limits are what you put on own life and thinking

Origin: The sky is high and has no outer limit– the sky gradually changes into outer space. So, if “the sky’s the limit,” there really are no limits!

1. Having been a full-time teacher since 1987 and a dad since 1995, I try to encourage my children and students to push themselves to be all they can be and to remember The Sky’s the Limit!

2. President George Bush Sr. was a Navy pilot in WW II who survived getting shot down by the Japanese. As a young pilot he loved to hear “CAVU”–Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited. That mindset put him on an amazing path where he later became US Ambassador to the UN, head Liaison to Beijing, Vice President, President, and father of another US president. “The Sky’s the Limit” defined his American amazing life!

(Let me) Sleep on It (positive connotation)

Meaning: It is a request to let someone has a day or two to think about a question, offer, or problem

Origin: Many people do not like to make “snap decisions” so they ask for extra time to think it over and maybe get some advice or do research. Many find that sleeping one night and revisiting the issue the next day gives a new perspective.

1. Try not to let people rush you into big decisions. When you are unsure what to do, you can quietly respond: “Let me sleep on it.”

2. When someone asks me to make a major commitment, I often say, “Thanks for asking me–let me sleep on it and I’ll get back to you soon.”

Slip Through the Cracks (aka “fall through the cracks”)   (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be careless and ignore important information or people and their needs

Origin: wooden boards often have cracks between them, and sometimes the cracks can be very wide. If you are not careful,  important things like money, jewelry, etc. can “slip through the cracks” and be lost forever below the floor.

1. Many times homeless people just slip through the cracks: maybe they had a traumatic childhood, never found their niche or encouragement, and ended up on the streets.

2. One of the complaints of modern school systems is how many kids “slip through the cracks.” Students may be quiet and well-behaved, but if they do not particularly like the content or can connect with some teachers, they may feel easily bored and just drop out.

Slow on the Draw (aka “Slow on the Uptake“) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be slow to understand or recognize something

Origin: “the draw” is how fast a person can pull a pistol from a holster, so if you are slow on the draw, you might die in a gunfight!

1. Sorry I didn’t get your joke right away: I was slow on the draw.

2. You might need to explain this to Jerry several times; he often strikes me as slow on the draw. 

(One) Smart Cookie (positive connotation)
Meaning: very intelligent; able to learn quickly or solve difficult problems

Origin: unclear

1. Everyone wanted Emma in their project group at school: she is one smart cookie.

2. “Wow, Levi, you solved that puzzle quickly–you are one smart cookie!”

Small World (positive connotation)

Meaning: one uses this to express surprise when one sees a friend at an unexpected place, usually far from home, or two people realize they share a common friend, interest, connection, etc.

Origin: The world is very large, but when we have a surprise connection with someone, it seems the world is small.

1. On our first full day in Paris, my wife and I went to the Medieval Museum; it is not big or famous, but we saw two Chinese friends there from our hometown! Small world! 

2. “Oh, so you know Paul and Crystal too? Small world.”

3. My sister’s teacher happens to be one of my father’s old friends. What a small world! — Hank in Taipei, Taiwan
4. When the couple was preparing for the wedding, their grandparents recognized each other as old friends. It’s a small world. — Ryan in Taipei, Taiwan

5. When I went to an area that was about 85% white in the States, I met one Taiwanese at my school. It’s a small world. — Stella in Taipei, Taiwan

6. I saw the same person twice today.  The first time I saw her was on the train, and the second time I recognized her at school! What a small world. –Winnie in Taoyuan, Taiwan

7. I saw my primary school classmate Emma at an orchestra performance this summer vacation. When we saw each other we both yelled “Small world!”

— Lucy in Beijing, China

Smell a Rat (negative connotation)

Meaning: to think something is wrong; to sense dishonesty or corruption

Origin: (uncertain) If a mouse or rat is in a house but dies behind a wall or under the floor, it will begin to stink as it rots. Even though you can’t see it or know it’s exact location, you know its there, due to the stink.  OR, it could relate to a cat’s ability to smell a mouse or rat.

1. In 1787, the USA was a new country with a weak form of government called “Articles of Confederation.” Some delegates met in Philadelphia to strengthen that system, or else create a new plan. When Patrick Henry of Virginia heard of the secret meetings in Philadelphia, he was afraid the delegates might create a new federal government that would become too strong and overrule the states. To express his doubt, he said, “I smell a rat.” (source)

2.  Our boss said he was out this week sick with the flu, but someone saw pictures of him on social media waterskiing. I smell a rat.

(Come Out) Smelling like a Rose (positive connotation)

Meaning: To come out from a bad situation in a personally good position; to be successful and keep a good reputation despite a negative situation

Origin: Roses have a sweet smell, and “to come out” means to emerge. So, when you “come out” of a bad situation looking good, you “come out smelling like a rose.”

1. Uncle Charlie sold his house when prices were high in 2006, so when the real estate market crashed in 2008, he came out smelling like a rose.

2.  Our teacher scolded most of the class for being late and sloppy with our projects, but since Mary Page did hers well, she came out smelling like a rose.

Smoke and Mirrors (negative connotation)

Meaning: This is an attempt to use dishonest or misleading words or evidence to try to trick someone; something is designed to make you believe something is real, true, or good, but it really is not

Origin: Early magicians would sometimes use smoke to distract the audience or conceal something, and mirrors can distort appearances.

1. Our boss’ new marketing plan is not just smoke and mirrors; it is a serious way to boost sales and revenue.

2. So much of what we call “the news” is really just smoke and mirrors: selective evidence and fancy words designed to conceal, not reveal, what is really going on. (Learn more in our “Media Bias” blog post.)

Smoking Gun (negative connotation)

Meaning: a piece of clear, undeniable evidence that proves who did a crime (This is one of the many gun-related idioms in English.)

Origin: If a murderer shoots someone, and the police find the actual gun used in the murder and the gun is still smoking, that proves the murderer is guilty.

1. The police suspect that guy is a drug dealer, but they haven’t been able to find a smoking gun. 

2. When auditors uncovered the CFO‘s illegal payments and fraudulent bookkeeping, they turned the smoking gun over to the police.

Smooth Move (negative: usually sarcastic)

Meaning: To show sarcastic displeasure when someone makes a mistake

Origin: unknown, but “smooth” and “move” almost rhyme, and with sarcasm, the meaning is the opposite of the actual words

1. “Smooth move,” Brian said when Joey dropped his tray in the school cafeteria.

2.  When Billy backed his car into a light pole in the parking lot, his friends called out, “Smooth move!” 

Smooth Sailing (positive connotation)

Meaning: to have a smooth, successful life or endeavor, without trouble or hardship

Origin: Sailing on a day with a breeze strong enough to move your sailboat, but with no waves is smooth sailing and a pleasant experience. However, if the wind is too strong, it can create waves and possibly blow over the boat.

1. Uncle Henry worked hard all his life and saved lots of money for his retirement, so he hoped his “golden years” would be smooth sailing.

2. If the year 2020 taught us anything, it’s that life is not always smooth sailing: surprises and setbacks can come up at any time.

Snake in the Grass (negative connotation)

Meaning: a hidden danger, especially a person who pretends to be a friend but is not loyal

Origin: snakes are usually on the ground, and when they are hidden in grass, they are hard to see but can be dangerous

(This was first recorded in Latin in 37 B.C. by the Roman poet Virgil and first seen in English in 1696. Source)

1. Ben couldn’t believe that while Richard was claiming to be his best friend he was also trying to steal his girlfriend. What a snake in the grass.

2. Vidkun Quisling was a real snake in the grass. He was a Norwegian who betrayed his own country to help Nazi Germany take it over. He gave the English language a new word, because “Quisling” is a noun that means “traitor.”  (source)

Snug as a Bug in a Rug (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be very warm and comfortable; it is often connected with sleeping, beds, or sofas

Origin: a bug curled up in a rug would be very warm and safe. This is one of the many idioms that rhymes, like “Plain Jane” and “True Blue.”

1. Grandma asked Hannah if she felt as snug as a bug in a rug when she got into the bed with lots of thick blankets.

2. Curled up on the couch with a thick afghan and a cup of coffee, Sarah felt as snug as a bug in a rug as she sat on the couch and watched the snow falling outside.

Sob Story (negative connotation)

Meaning: a sad story designed to make the speaker sound very weak and pitiful

Origin: “to sob” means to cry heavily, so a sob story is designed to evoke pity and sorrow in the listener or reader

1. Sad but true, some people create a sob story and go from church to church in an area, looking for money or some other a hand-out.

2. Mrs. Davis trusted her students, but when Billy had three different sob stories in one week explaining why he didn’t have his homework, she became suspicious.

Sodom and Gomorrah (negative connotation)

Meaning: an evil, wicked place

Origin: According to Genesis Chapters 18 and 19 in the Bible, the Middle Eastern cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked, God destroyed them and their inhabitants.

Learn more about Sodom and Gomorrah in this Bible Study Tool.

Did Scientists find the Site of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Spick and Span (positive connotation)

Meaning: very clean and tidy

Origin: This phrase has been traced some 700 years, and originally it meant “brand new.” Since new things are usually clean and in perfect shape, it now has this meaning. (source)

1. “I want the kitchen floor spick and span by the time I come home,” mom told us before she left for work.

2. Ben is messy but Julia likes everything spick and span, so we all wonder how their marriage will turn out.

Spill the Beans (negative connotation)

Meaning: to tell or reveal a secret, especially in a careless or hurtful way

Origin: unknown

1. We are planning a surprise birthday party for Allen this Saturday. Don’t spill the beans!

2. No one dares tell Dana any secrets–we all know from experience she is often quick to spill the beans.

(Someone would) Spin in his/her/their grave (negative connotation)

Meaning: If a dead person could somehow see how their legacy or creation was being misused in the present, they would be heartbroken and mad

Origin: Dead people are buried in a grave; the “spinning” part is just a manner of speech

1. Grandpa worked his fingers to the bone and saved every penny to build his family business. If he could see how wasteful his adult grandchildren have become, he would spin in his grave. 

2. Considering the US national debt and lots more, many people believe, if the American Founding Fathers could see the USA now, they would spin in their graves.

The Babylon Bee is a Christian, popular satire site. It’s so spot-on, clear, and powerful, many Big Tech and media companies have been censoring it! As American culture becomes more wacky, many people read Babylon Bee satire but are fooled into thinking it is a real story! That is one reason they sell a coffee mug that reads “Fake News You Can Trust.” This story from July 29, 2020 is “Founding Fathers Strapped Down in Graves to Prevent Further Spinning.”  

Spitting image (positive connotation)

Meaning: A child (or grandchild) looks very similar physically to a parent or other close relative

Origin: unclear

1. Barry is the spitting image of his dad.

2. At the family reunion, everyone could tell that Jack–with his red hair and freckles–was the spitting image of his father.

Split Hairs (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be very picky and argue over tiny, unimportant details

Origin: a single hair is very thin, so it would be impossible (and a waste of time and energy) to try to use a knife to split a hair lengthwise

1. Since our lunch bill came to $20.73, let’s not split hairs: you just give me $10 and I’ll pay the rest.

2. Sometimes I think Uncle Bill and Aunt Julie enjoy splitting hairs: they just spent several minutes discussing whether it had rained Monday or Tuesday of last week.

Spoon Feed (negative connotation)

Meaning: to treat someone like a baby–or maybe someone wants to be treated like a baby–and give them information or help in a very step-by-step, basic way, so that the student does not need to spend any independent energy or thought to learn.

Origin: since infants cannot feed themselves, an adult must feed them baby food with a spoon

1. Some teachers complain how students, parents, and principals want them to spoon feed their classes.

2. A mentor of mine once said a good pastor should not spoon feed his congregation.  “Babied need to be fed, but adults should be able to feed themselves,” he told us.

Spot on  (aka Dead Right) (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be exactly right or correct; to be very accurate

Origin: “a spot” can mean a dot or a place, and the very middle of a target is a spot. So, to hit the very middle of a target is to be “spot on.” (Language note: I originally heard this saying in British English, but since the early 2000’s it has become a part of American English too.)

1. When a student answers a question correctly, Mr. Andrews sometimes responds with “spot on.”

2. At DreyerCoaching, we don’t believe in spoon feeding our students–we want them to be spot on with their own strong vocabulary and thinking skills.

Spread like Wildfire  (can be positive or negative connotation, depending on what is spreading)

Meaning: for an idea, product or habit to spread quickly

Origin: in dry, windy conditions, wildfires can spread quickly

1. The brilliant Winston Churchill knew how gossip and misinformation can spread like wildfire. Commenting decades before the internet, he observed: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” 

2. In its early days, Facebook’s global popularity spread like wildfire. Now, movies like “Social Dilemma” are shedding light on the dark sides of such technology.

Spring Forward, Fall Back (neutral connotation)

Note: This is not so much an idiom as it is a handy verbal reminder for the two times a year most Americans change their clocks.

  • Each November, most parts of the US “fall back” one hour, when we go off Daylight Savings Time. That means, people either have to manually turn their clocks back one hour, or else clocks on electronic devices like phones do it automatically. This is a play on words, because November is in the fall season and “fall back” means to go back.
  • Each March, most of the US will “spring forward” when we resume Daylight Savings Time. So, we move our clocks forward one hour and miss an hour of sleep. This is also a play on words, because March is in the spring and “spring forward” means to jump ahead.
  • To minimize disruptions, the time change occurs at 2:00 am on a Sunday morning, so most people do not have work or school the next day. Most people adjust their clocks on Saturday night before going to bed. After each time change, however, there are usually some people who arrive at church either one hour early or late, if they forgot to change their clocks the night before.

On the night before each time change, some TV anchors will remind their audiences “Remember to spring forward, fall back, everyone!”

Square Meal   (Note: We usually see or hear this as “Three square meals.”) (positive connotation)

Meaning: a filling, healthy, complete meal

Origin: “square” can sometimes mean honest, as in “fair and square” or “a square deal.” So, a square meal is a full, satisfying meal with many dishes

1. The package tour to Europe was very reasonable, because it included fine hotels and three square meals a day.

2. Dennis was pleased with the retirement home his parents moved into. It was clean, comfortable, and offered three square meals a day.

(A) Square peg in a round hole  (See: “A Round peg in a square hole”)

Squirrel Away  (aka Salt Away) (positive connotation)

(Bonus Language note: a good way to juice up your speaking or writing skills, is to use words that are usually nouns but instead use them as verbs.)

Meaning: to save extra money or resources in a safe place, so you can get them in a time of need.


1. Squirrels collect nuts and often hide them all over the place in the dirt or elsewhere, so they can go back and find them later.

2. Before refrigeration, people would store perishable foods in salt, to preserve them. So, “to salt away” means to save and preserve food.

1. When Uncle Henry lost his job, he was thankful to learn that Aunt Margaret had been squirreling away extra money for years as a rainy day fund.

2. It’s crucially important to consistently salt away a portion of your income and not spend everything (or more!) that you earn!

State of the Art (positive connotation)

Meaning: very modern and up to date; using the most recent techniques and technology

Origin: This uses the word “art” in the sense of “craftsmanship or skill,” not as “visual or performing arts.” (ie. “Good teaching is more of an art than a science.”)

1. Mom’s office upgraded to all state of the art computers last year.

2. When much of the world had to suddenly shift to online learning during the pandemic of 2020, DreyerCoaching was blessed to have been using state of the art online learning for over a decade already.

Stay on your Toes (usually positive connotation)

Meaning: to be mentally and physically alert; to be paying attention to sudden problems, challenges, or dangers.

Origin: If a person is standing up and leaning forward on their toes and the balls of their feet, they can quickly jump or move in a direction. In contrast, “to be caught flat-footed” means to be unprepared.

1. Since the job requires ongoing lesson planning, instruction, testing, communication, and classroom discipline, good teachers must always stay on their toes.

2. Parents must always stay on their toes–with children around, it seems every day brings new challenges.

Stay tuned! (positive connotation)

Meaning: to keep paying attention; more information will be coming later; don’t go away.

Origin: TV or radio shows need to keep their audiences engaged, because bigger audiences equal better ad sales, and that equals bigger profits for the producers. So, many shows before a break or at the end on an episode will claim “stay tuned!” to keep their audience hooked.

1. Billy watched terrified as Batman was about to be cut up by a saw, then right before the commercial break the announcer said “Stay tuned!”

2. Sometimes, right before class ends, I will tell my students “Stay tuned! Come back tomorrow to learn more!”

Steal (his/her/your) Thunder (negative connotation)

Meaning: To take away praise, positive attention, or success that should go to another person.

Origin: In the early days of the English theater, stagehands used different kinds of devices to simulate the sound of thunder. John Dennis invented a thunder machine for his 1709 play, but his play was a flop (failure). However, other stagehands later used his machine–without his permission–for a different play. Dennis was mad and complained about someone who stole his thunder.

1. I don’t mean to steal her thunder, but I want you to know that Jane got a promotion at work!

2. No matter how hard Lance tried at school and sports, his younger brother always managed to steal his thunder.

Step up to the Plate  (positive connotation)

Meaning: to step forward (usually figuratively) to voluntarily take on some task, responsibility, or job.

Origin: This is one of the many sports idioms. In baseball, a player has to step up to the plate to swing at the balls that the pitcher throws.

1. After dating Alisha for a few years, Barry decided he needed to step up to the plate and propose marriage.

2. Everyone in the office knew that the boss’ habit of being a control freak was hurting morale and effectiveness, but no one wanted to step up to the plate and broach the subject with him.

Stick-in-the-Mud (negative connotation)
Meaning: a dull, boring person who has no creativity and is no fun to be with

Origin: A stick in the mud is a very boring object; you cannot do much with it!

1. “I don’t want to be a stick in the mud, but it’s past 10:00 and I’ve got work tomorrow so I’d better go home,” Marie told everyone.

2. We wanted to arrange an overnight field trip, but some stick in the mud on the faculty nixed the idea.

Stick it out (positive connotation)

Meaning: to endure or withstand pain, discomfort, or stress

Origin: “To stick” can mean “to hold to, to fasten to, to grip.” For example: “Stick this note on the door.” Thus, it can also mean “to hold on or stand up under pressure.”

1. “This Russian 101 class is really tough, especially with the new alphabet, but I am going to try to stick it out,” Allie said.

2. If and when you find yourself in a toxic relationship, don’t try to stick it out. Instead, swallow your pride and get out!

Stick to your Guns (positive connotation)

Meaning: to endure, to stand strongly by your beliefs and position, even in the face of intense opposition or ridicule

Origin: This is one of the many military-related, gun-related idioms. As in “stick it out,” the word “stick” can mean to hold or grip firmly. Soldiers have a duty to stay where their officers have placed them and defend that spot. If the soldiers run away, their position is lost. So, loyal soldiers should “stick to their guns” and hold their ground, even though it might require the ultimate sacrifice.

1. “Even though you’ve gotten a lot of pressure at work, I respect you for sticking to your guns,” Eva told her husband.

2. A common saying is, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” In this world where there is so much pressure to compromise and “cut corners,” there are times in life we have to stick to our guns.

Stick With It (positive connotation)

Stick Your Neck Out (usually positive connotation)

Still Waters Run Deep (positive connotation)

Stir up a Hornets’ Nest (negative connotation)

Stocking Stuffers (positive connotation)

Meaning: At Christmas, the main, bigger gifts usually go under the Christmas tree. However, some smaller toys, snacks etc. go in the stockings hung by the fireplace.

Origin: Since “Santa” stuffs the stockings with these smaller items, they are called “stocking stuffers.”

  1. Small boxes of candy or toy cars make excellent stocking stuffers.
  2. Some stores advertise their smaller, cheaper items as “Perfect Stocking Stuffers!”

Stop And Go (see also: Off And On) (negative connotation)

Straight from the horse’s mouth (positive connotation)

Meaning: you have received private information directly from the source, or from the best original informant

Origin: Unsure, but it may refer to how one can tell a horse’s age by looking at the wear of its teeth. (See also, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”)

1. “Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but we won’t be getting any Christmas bonuses this year–I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.”

2. My best friend is Mr. Crawford’s teachers’ aide, and so I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth: we won’t have a test this week!

Straight Shooter (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be very honest and direct with one’s speech and communication

Origin: This is another of the many gun-related idioms in English. To shoot well, one has to be able to shoot straight.

1. Some people do not like our new boss because he’s too abrupt, but I appreciate a straight shooter; at least you always know where you stand with him.

2. Financial guru Dave Ramsey is known as a straight shooter. He loves to say, “To be unclear is to be unkind.”

Straight Talk (positive connotation)

Meaning: Speech that is very clear, truthful, and to the point–even to the point of bluntness

Origin: Native American Indians had an expression “talk with crooked tongue” which means to be dishonest or use the term George Orwell coined for 1984, “doublespeak.” In contrast, straight talk is honest and crystal clear. (Note: a straight shooter will use straight talk.)

1. Parents need to have a straight talk with their teens about drugs.

2. Politicians, who usually have their eyes on winning the next election, are not known for straight talk.

Straighten up and fly right (usually negative connotation, because it is corrective)

Meaning: Stop fooling around, get serious, and do the right thing.

Origin: Uncertain, but probably relates to how birds fly straight and right to where they want to go

1. “Straighten up and fly right” our 11th grade English teacher Miss Petty often told our class when we were fooling around.

2. Straighten up and fly right was the 1943 breakthrough hit for Nat “King” Cole, one of America’s most beloved singers. (Learn more about the hit song and singer here.) (Historical note: in the 1940s, the US was still a heavily segregated culture, with whites and blacks using separate schools, waiting rooms, water fountains, etc. Sports and music, however, were some of the first areas where mixing among the ethnic groups began to occur. Thus, as a black singer with a national following, Nat “King” Cole was a kind of pioneer in the civil rights movement.)

(The) Straw that broke the camel’s back (aka The Last Straw) (negative connotation)

Meaning: a final negative step or insult in a long series that causes a breakdown or blowup; a negative situation is no longer tolerable or acceptable.

Origin: Camels are beasts of burden in parts of Africa and Asia. They can carry much. However, once they reach their maximum load, the addition of one more little bit will make the camel collapse, or “break its back.”

1. When the British Parliament passed what Americans called “The Intolerable Acts” in 1774, it was the last straw: Americans and British soldiers were at war beginning in April 1775.

2. Greg has been upset with his boss for quite awhile, but getting yelled at during the last meeting was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Greg gave his two weeks’ notice this morning.


Strike a happy medium (positive connotation)

Meaning: To find a happy, reasonable “middle ground” between 2 or more extreme positions or ideas

Origin: “to strike” can mean to hit or find, and a medium is a “middle ground,” since the word stem “med” means “middle.”

1. The company owner wanted to keep wages at $12 per hour, but the employees wanted to get raises of $14 per hour. After some discussion, both sides were able to strike a happy medium and settle on new salaries of $13 per hour.

2. When trying to solve problems or misunderstandings with other people, it is important to think “win/win” and strike a happy medium that satisfies all parties. Taking a “my way or the highway” approach usually ends in hurt feelings and failure.

Joke: Two men went to visit a fortune teller to try to find out what the future held. The fortune teller got out her crystal ball and made some chants. After a few moments, she started to chuckle, then broke out into a loud, uncontrollable laughter. The men asked her what was so funny, but she wouldn’t tell them but just kept laughing. The men got mad and told her, “Hey, we paid you money to tell us our future, but all you do is keep laughing.” Finally out of frustration, one man hit her and stormed out. His friend went with him and asked, “Why did you hit her?” The first man replied: “I can’t believe I struck a happy medium!”

Explanation: In English, a “medium” can mean a middle position, but it can also mean a fortune teller! For more such words with multiple-meanings, visit our blog “English is a Crazy language.”


Strike (hit) a nerve (usually negative connotation)

Meaning: To say or do something that brings up a strong and usually negative response in another person

Origin: Nerves are the part of your body that send messages of pain or feeling to the brain. Therefore, if you hit a nerve in your body, your brain tells you something hurts badly. So, this is figurative language, a metaphor.

1. When speaking with someone, it is important to always monitor their voice tone and body language. If you find you accidently strike a nerve with something you said, that is usually a sign to back off.

2. When I told Marie I didn’t like our mayor, she got agitated. Realizing I had hit a nerve, I quickly changed the topic.


Strike while the iron is hot. (positive connotation) (See also: “Make hay while the sun shines.”)

Meaning: To move quickly and decisively when you have the opportunity to make a decision and take positive action; do not delay or procrastinate

Origin: A blacksmith puts iron into a fire and when the iron is glowing red, that means it is soft enough to strike and form into the desired shape or tool. In other words, he has to hit the metal as soon as he removes it from the fire. To delay means to miss your chance. This phrase first appeared in print in the famous Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 1300s. (source)

(Culture note: to show how humankind is one, this same idiom also exists in Mandarin Chinese.)

1. Greg was afraid that Tim might ask Debbie to the dance, so he decided to strike while the iron is hot and ask her first. 

2. When the superintendent announced openings for teachers to get Advanced Placement (AP) training over the summer, Alisha wisely chose to strike while the iron was hot and got to attend the workshop. 

(Critical thinking: An interesting twist on the original proverb is: “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” What do you think this means?

It was known to first appear in print in 1782 in a letter from the brilliant Benjamin Franklin to Reverend Richard Price about using the printing press to spread ideas quickly. Franklin wrote: “The facility with which the same truths may be repeatedly enforced by placing them daily in different lights in newspapers which are every where read, gives a great chance of establishing them. And we now find, that it is not only right to strike while the iron is hot, but that it may be very practicable to heat it by continually striking.” [emphasis ours.])


Stuffed Shirt (negative connotation) (See also “empty suit”)

Meaning: a person, usually male, who is overly stiff, formal, and filled with feelings of self-importance

Origin: People with formal, important jobs often wear a fancy dress shirt. If a person seems to put more emphasis on appearance or position, rather than his or her character, that person can be called “a stuffed shirt.” 

1. “I hate going to cocktail parties,” Barbara moaned. “I can’t stand being stuck with all those stuffed shirts.”

2. Whereas many bosses are known to be stuffed shirts, Mike is known as being very approachable and down to earth. No wonder morale at his company is usually high.


Suck it up (buttercup). (negative connotation)

Meaning: It is a command to stop complaining and bravely face and deal with your problems and challenges

Origin: “Suck it up” means “deal with it, toughen up.” A buttercup is a kind of yellow wildflower. So, this is often added at the end in order to 1. make it rhyme and 2. to add a sarcastic tone, to imply the listener is weak.

1. Whenever Gary complained about his boss and work, his friends just told him “Suck it up, buttercup.” They were not very sympathetic. 

2. The Drill Sergeant loved to yell at the new recruits, “Suck it up, buttercup!” 


Sure you can trust the government. Ask any Indian. (negative connotation)

Meaning: It is sarcastic, and means no, you cannot trust the government.

Origin: During the first hundred-plus years of US history, the US government kept making peace treaties with the native American tribes, then a few years later, break the agreement, take more land, and force new treaties that kept pushing the American Indians further and further west. (Cultural note: you can buy bumper stickers or t-shirts with this saying.)


Swallow it hook, line, and sinker. (negative connotation)

Meaning: to completely believe a lie

Origin: a hook holds the bait that catches a fish. The fishing line connects the hook to the rod. The sinker is the heavy item that holds the hook lower in the water. So, a fish that just bites the hook gets caught. But if a fish swallows the hook, line, and sinker, it swallowed the whole thing. Such a fish is very stupid and will soon be very dead. 

1. When Terry told him “Did you know the word ‘gullible’ isn’t in the dictionary?”, he swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

2.  Parents try to teach their kids to have healthy skepticism. Some people in this world are dishonest but persuasive, and if you’re not careful, you’ll believe them hook, line, and sinker.


Swan Song (negative connotation)

Meaning: The last work, performance, book, etc. of an author, musician, playwright, etc., before the artist’s death or retirement.

Origin: From the old (and mistaken) belief that swans are usually silent but sing a beautiful song right before they die

1. Author Harper Lee‘s masterpiece To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960. Many considered it to be her swan song. Then, in 2015, she delighted the reading world by publishing Go Set a Watchman

2. Singer Tony Bennett, born as the son of Italian immigrants in 1926, is an American icon. His fame peaked in the 1950s and 1960s, but he actually performed and recorded for more than 60 years. Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016, he kept performing and gave his swan song in 2021 at age 95!


Sweating Bullets (negative connotation)

Meaning: to be very nervous and scared

Origin: It is normal to sweat when nervous, so “sweating bullets” is very serious

1. Marie said she was sweating bullets during the interview. 

2. Whereas Lucy only said she had butterflies in her stomach before the speech contest, Billy admitted he had been sweating bullets


Sweep it under the rug (carpet) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to cover-up and hide something unpleasant, embarrassing, illegal, etc. 

Origin: Dirt on a floor is normal, so the best way to clean the room is to sweep the dirt out. However, it may seem easier and quicker to just sweep the dirt under the rug. The rest of the floor looks clean, but the dirt is still there, just out of sight.

1. It is usually human nature, when dealing with a difficult or sensitive issue, to just try to sweep it under the rug rather than admit and deal with the problem. 

2. My boss drives me crazy. Whenever something goes wrong at work, rather than confront the person or solve the problem, he just tries to sweep everything under the rug


Sweep (you/him/her) off (your/his/her) feet (usually positive connotation, but it can be negative too)

Meaning: to greatly impress someone of the opposite sex, in a romantic, emotional, and/or physical way, so that he or she falls in love quickly and loses normal precautions and reservations; sudden infatuation

Origin: just as a broom can sweep dust away, a person can get “swept away” by something powerful or attractive

1. Gary was swept off his feet when he first met the beautiful woman at his church’s singles group.

2. Parents usually try to warn their teenaged kids: don’t get swept off your feet, and don’t turn off your brain when your hormones ramp up. 


Sweet Tooth (usually negative connotation)

Meaning: a constant, daily craving for sweets

Origin: since we eat with our mouths, a “sweet tooth” means a person likes sweet foods. (Language note: it is always singular “tooth,” never plural.)

1. Dad has a sweet tooth; he always expects dessert after lunch and dinner.

2. Overseas travel often shows Americans how much of a sweet tooth most of us have. When we come home after foreign travel, the desserts here seem sweeter than they were in other countries. 



TMI (negative connotation)

Meaning: A person is saying or telling too much detail, so that the listener feels uncomfortable and knows too much.

Origin: TMI stands for “Too Much Information.”

1. When Billy started telling me the details about when he got the flu, I just told him “TMI.”

2. Brooke has spent weeks tellling me lots of details about how and why she broke up with her boyfriend so I finally had to tell her “TMI.”


Talk Turkey (usually positive connotation)

1. Meaning: to speak in a frank, honest, clear way. To get right to the point.

2. Origin: unclear

1. Since time is short, I suggest we cut the pleasantries and talk turkey.

2. In the last meeting Bob joked around a lot, but today he wanted to talk turkey.


Take it away (positive connotation)

Meaning: To start or continue something; an invitation to start a show or performance; to carry on; let the show begin!

Origin: This is often used to invite a singer or musician to begin his or her performance, but now it can be used in many contexts.

1. As Mr. Flanagan asked each group to come forward and give their presentation about the Civil War, he told them “Take it away!”

2. “Take it away!” the emcee told Meghan as she was to begin her song. 


Take the bull by the horns (positive connotation)

Meaning: To confront an unpleasant situation head-on; to directly tackle a problem instead of trying to avoid or ignore it; be assertive and decisive

Origin: A bull can be a dangerous animal, so “to take it by the horns” means to try to take on the bull instead of running away from it.

1. Our whole office was upset that our boss was asking us to work overtime without extra pay, but only Sara was willing to take the bull by the horns and speak to him about it. 

2. Most of the students were polite and respectful, but Billy kept being rude and interrupting the class. Finally, Mrs. White decided to take the bull by the horns and send him to the principal with a referral. 


(That) takes the cake (can be positive or negative connotation, depending on its usage and context)

Meaning (positive): That is the best, or the prize-winner; that is the very best

Origin: In some contests or competitions, the prize was a cake. So, whoever came in first literally “took the cake.”

(American culture: a popular contest is a cake walk, where people walk in a circle on numbers and one or more people can win a cake that was contributed. “A cake walk” is also an idiom, meaning an easy job or task. Example: “Teaching 7th graders for three years was no cake walk.”)

1. We saw some great acts in the talent show, but Mr. Taibbi juggling really took the cake

2. Our team had been going through resumes all morning looking for prospects to interview, but when we saw a candidate who had been working in our field for twenty years, had gone to an elite college, and had glowing reviews, we said “that takes the cake–let’s interview her.”


Meaning (negative, as an insult): A silly or foolish example or act; that’s too much! That does it! Used to describe something very stupid or annoying

Origin: This is the negative side of the above meaning. In this case, an act or decision was “number 1” in stupidity or foolishness.

1. I’ve heard lots of excuses over the years, but when Calvin told me a UFO came into his room and took his homework, I thought “That takes the cake!”

2. Many people have wondered how “in control” President Biden is, but when it seemed like someone in an Easter Bunny costume directed him away from a questioner, many thought “now that takes the cake!” 


Take it with a grain of salt (negative connotation)

Meaning: Don’t believe it. Don’t take the news or report seriously because it’s not true. Be skeptical of the source.

Origin: uncertain

1. Kelly says if you only eat meat and cheese you’ll lose weight, but take it with a grain of salt. She knows nothing about health and nutrition.

2. Lots of people take anything a politician says with a grain of salt. It seems they’ll say anything just to get elected. 


Taper off (usually negative connotation, unless it’s something bad that is ending) 

Meaning: to gradually get smaller, weaker, narrower, etc. To fizzle out or peter out. To weakly stop without a clear ending moment.

Origin: a taper is another word for a slender candle. So, just as some candles come to a slender point at the top, “taper off” means to slowly come to an end.

1. While George tried to quit smoking cold turkey, Susan tried to taper off.

2. We could tell the rain was beginning to taper off, so we waited in the car a few more minutes before going back outside.


Tell it like it is (usually positive connotation, but it can be negative if you’re sharing bad news)

Meaning: to tell the truth in a clear, direct way

Origin: “The way it is” means “the actual situation.”

1. Greg wondered if Sharene still liked him, so he said, “Don’t beat around the bush, tell it like it is!”

2. “Don’t sugarcoat my diagnosis, tell it like it is” Mr. Buck told his doctor.


Tell (someone/him/her) off (negative connotation)

Meaning: to rudely scold or rebuke someone

Origin: unknown

1. I was so mad when I realized he’s been lying to me, so I told him off.

2. Betty was on hold for over 20 minutes, so when someone finally picked up her call, she told him off and said they need to hire more employees.


That’s the icing on the cake (positive connotation)

Meaning: An added benefit to something that is already good. An extra bonus or pleasant surprise.

Origin: Cake itself is a treat, especially in historic times when sugar was rare for common people. So, icing on the cake makes it complete and even better.

1. Going to Germany for my junior year of college tuition-free was a wonderful experience, and the German government actually giving me scholarship money on top of that was the icing on the cake

2. Going home to see family for Thanksgiving was great, and getting together with some old classmates was the icing on the cake!


That’s the way the ball bounces (aka That’s the way the cookie crumbles.) (negative connotation)

Meaning: You say this to mean we should accept unfortunate aspects of life we can’t control or avoid. That’s life. That’s the way it is. Events just turn out that way. It can’t be helped.  

Origin: When a ball hits the ground, it will bounce in a certain direction that you can’t control. Plus, once a cookie crumbles, you can’t put it back into one piece again.

1. We had been practicing our song for months, so we were disappointed we both had colds on the day of the performance and had to miss it. That’s the way the ball bounces. 

2. We had been looking forward to our week at the beach all year, but much of the week was cool and rainy. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. 


That’s what I’m talkin’ about (Slang. positive connotation)

Meaning: To show enthusiastic approval of something or what someone else said. That’s great news!

Origin: unknown

1. A. Debbie said she’ll go out with me this Friday!  B. That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Way to go, dude!

2. We won our basketball game 65-40! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!


There’s more than one way to skin a cat (positive connotation)

Meaning: There is always more than one way to accomplish a task. Think outside the box. Be creative in your problem-solving.

Origin: In this case, “skin” is a verb. There are several origins for this saying, such as this one from the 1850s: “there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream.” (source)

1. In addition to asking for a raise, we also plan to improve your financial situation by cutting back on our spending. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

2. I missed class on Friday so I could go home for the weekend, but I asked a friend to record that day’s lecture for me. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. 

3. Living in the target culture is a great way to master a new language. However, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. You can also stay at home and learn a new language via DreyerCoaching online classes!


Think on your feet. (positive connotation)

Meaning: to be able to be creative and think up what to say smoothly, with little to no preparation

Origin: If you’re already standing on your feet in front of a  crowd and you’re asked to say something or answer a question, you have to think up a response right there. There is no time to do research or sit and prepare a speech.

1. Scott came in second in the state of Virginia in extemporaneous speaking in high school. That category requires you to think on your feet.

2. Being a teacher is hard. With all the unexpected questions and challenges, you have to be able to think on your feet.


Third time’s a charm (positive connotation)

Meaning: sometimes when your first two attempts to do something have failed, you are successful on the third try.

Origin: some tasks are difficult and can’t be accomplished the first time. After a couple of tries and failures, however, you can figure out what you’ve been doing wrong and finally be successful.

1. “It took me few tries to install the new water pump in my car but the third time was the charm,” Larry said.

2. “The first two times I asked Debbie to the dance she turned me down, but when I asked her after lunch today she finally said yes. Third time’s the charm,” Joe winked.


This is not rocket science (usually positive connotation, but it can be used as a kind of insult if someone doesn’t understand something) 

Meaning: this is not a difficult or complex task or topic

Origin: rocket science is a relatively new field and requires much specialized knowledge and intelligence to do

1. “When you use a knife, always cut away from your fingers, not toward them. It’s not rocket science,” our Scout Master told us.

2. C’mon, why do you keep confusing “two” and “too” in your essays. It’s not rocket science.


(This is a) three-ring circus (negative connotation)

Meaning: a crazy, noisy, chaotic place

Origin: a circus has lots of silly, noisy acts going on, and a three-ring circus is big and complex.

1. When our teacher came back to school after maternity leave, she was upset to find out that our class had become a three-ring circus because we had a different substitute teacher almost every day. 

2. “This place is a three-ring circus” dad grumbled when he kept being sent to different windows at the office to find an answer to his question.


Three Square Meals (positive connotation)

Meaning: Three full, complete, nutritious meals each day

Origin: “square” can mean complete, so a “square meal” has meat/protein, grains, dairy and fruits & vegetables

1. Dan was impressed that the retirement home serves the residents three square meals a day.

2. During the Great Depression, many unemployed men found work with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in order to get lodging, three square meals a day, and a little salary.


Through the Grapevine (usually negative connotation)

Meaning: The informal spreading of information, messages, rumor, etc. via word of mouth 

Origin: A grapevine is a long-stemmed plant that twists and winds in many directions and is hard to follow.

1. We teachers were all shocked when we heard through the grapevine that our principal was resigning.

2. We might be getting a raise but don’t quote me on that; I just heard it through the grapevine.


Throw a curve(ball) (negative connotation)

Meaning: to surprise someone in an unpleasant way; also, to mislead or trick someone

Origin: One of the idioms from sports, this comes from baseball, where a skilled pitcher can throw a curve ball that is hard for the batter to hit.

1. Our babysitter threw us a curveball when she told us on a Friday afternoon that she had taken a new job and wouldn’t be able to watch our daughter any more starting next week!

2. Our car mechanic threw us a curveball when he told us it was an easy problem to fix but charged us $800!

Cultural note: Alan Jackson is a popular American songwriter and singer (born 1958) of the country/western and gospel vibe. One of his stirring songs about an older person looking back on a lifetime of love is “Remember When.” Take a listen and see if you can find this idiom in the lyrics. 


Throw a Monkey Wrench into the Works (negative connotation)

Meaning: To mess up a smoothly-running operation; to block or impede some movement, machine, plan, etc.

Origin: A monkey wrench is a metal tool, and if you threw one into a machine, it would probably break the machine and cause it to stop working. (Language note: What Americans call a “wrench” the British call a “spanner.”)

1. We were all looking forward to a day at the lake but the sudden thunderstorms threw a monkey wrench into our plans

2. Hillary Clinton seemed on track to win the presidency in 2016 but Donald Trump and his supporters threw a monkey wrench into everything.


Throw Caution to the Wind (usually positive connotation, but it can be negative)

Meaning: to stop being careful and instead take huge risks; to act recklessly and carelessly

Origin: Since wind blows things away, “throwing caution to the wind” means to stop being careful

1. Billy decided to throw caution to the wind and ask Grace out, and she accepted. (positive–to be brave)

2. Jerry and his wife decided to throw caution to the wind, quit their jobs, and move across the country to a new place where they didn’t have any friends. Unfortunately, they ended up hating it there and got homesick. (negative–to act without planning)

3. In 2010, Scott had been teaching at a government-run high school for 11 years and he and Mrs. Dreyer were raising four kids and paying on a house. However, after prayer and planning, they decided to throw caution to the wind, he resigned his job, and they launched DreyerCoaching. True story, folks!


Throw Cold Water on Something (Negative connotation)

Meaning: To say or do something that discourages someone from doing something or taking a new step; to be negative; to reduce someone’s enthusiasm for something (negative connotation)

Origin: Throwing water on a fire puts it out, and throwing cold water on someone will be a shock and distraction

1. Billy was excited to go to the zoo but his mom threw cold water on his plans by reminding him he hadn’t cleaned his room yet.

2. Mara went home during fall break of her first year at college, all excited to tell her parents how she was planning to major in philosophy. However, her dad threw cold water on it by explaining that a philosophy major isn’t very marketable and she’ll have a hard time later finding a job and paying off her student loans.


Throw in the Towel (Negative connotation)

Meaning: To quit or give up; to stop some activity or give up some goal or dream

Origin: Dating from at least 1913, this idiom comes from the sport of boxing. When a boxer is being beaten badly, someone in his corner throws in a white towel to admit defeat and to end the fight. 

1. I took a few weeks of Russian classes in college, but since the alphabet is different, the grammar is so hard, and I didn’t know if I really wanted to learn it that badly, I threw in the towel after just a few classes.

2. Micah wanted to throw in the towel at his new job after just a few months, but his wife encouraged him to stick with it.


Throw (someone/him/her/them) under the Bus (Negative connotation)

Meaning: To betray someone; to pin the blame for some failure on someone else, in order to protect yourself; to do something harmful to someone else in order to help yourself.

Origin: Throwing someone under a bus would be very dangerous and probably deadly. So, the idea is throwing someone else under the bus might keep you safe

1. Our boss forgot we were supposed to have a meeting last Wednesday, but instead of admitting his mistake, he threw his secretary under the bus and blamed her for not reminding everyone.

2. Sometimes when a high government official is corrupt, to keep from getting exposed, he will throw a lower employee under the bus who gets the blame and punishment.


(Don’t) Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater






Throw the Book at someone


Throw your (his/her) Hat into the Ring


Throw (your/his/her) money around


Up in the air



Wear out the welcome mat.   (aka: Wear out your welcome)  (negative connotation)

Meaning: to overstay one’s welcome; to be a guest at the host’s place too long, so as to become annoying

Origin:  The Welcome Mat represents a warm welcome, and to wear out something means to use it too long, so that it is no longer good.

1. Looking at his watch, Uncle Fred said, “It’s 9:00 already; we don’t want to wear out the welcome mat, so we’d better be going. Thanks for dinner!”

2. The famous Benjamin Franklin warned against wearing out the welcome mat with his saying, “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.”

Worth your (his/her/their) salt (positive connotation)

Meaning: a person is of great value to his or her company or community; a person who makes great, valuable contributions to the group

Origin: In ancient times, before refrigeration, salt was of great value because it could keep food from rotting. The Latin word for “salt” is sal, which we see in “salary,” as some Roman soldiers were paid their salaries, not with money, but with salt.

So, “to be worth your salt” means you worked hard and deserved your salary. (See also “Salt of the earth” above)

1. I think the boss made a good decision to hire the new secretary; she’s hard working and effective, really worth her salt.

2. Whenever you are hired at a job, make sure you are worth your salt: show up early, have a great attitude, and add value to your organization.



You’re in good company



Visit often to learn new idioms as I add them.

Congratulations and thanks! You’ve made it to the end of the Idioms list! But before you go, here is one last little twist: a list of proverbs that CONTRADICT each other — Years ago I read such a list in Readers’ Digest that called them  “Dueling Proverbs.”

The end justifies the means –  Never do evil that good may come of it
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today – Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it
Out of sight, out of mind – Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
You’re never too old to learn – You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Many hands make light work – Too many cooks spoil the broth. 
All good things come to those who wait  – Time and tide wait for no man
Birds of a feather flock together – Opposites attract.
He who hesitates is lost – Look before you leap.
Hold fast to the words of your ancestors – Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them
Clothes maketh the man – Don’t judge a book by its cover
Actions speak louder than words – The pen is mightier than the sword.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again – Don’t beat your head against a stone wall.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander – One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained – Better safe than sorry
The squeaky wheel gets the grease – The stake that stands up gets hammer down 

Do you want to learn more about the English language and life in the USA? Contact me now to find out how you can join one of our classes or come study in the US!

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