English Idioms (Sayings)

English Idioms (Sayings)

What are idioms? At DreyerCoaching.com, we do not give our students long lists of vocabulary words and grammar points to memorize; there are more than enough “cram schools” doing that already. Instead, we want to teach “real English,” the way...
English is a crazy language!  疯狂英文

English is a crazy language! 疯狂英文

English is a crazy language! (This phrase comes from the hilarious writing of linguist Richard Lederer, who gives some great examples of this nutty language. Many words in English have multiple meanings. You can read his essay here.) ******************** Just now in...
Avoid “Chinglish”

Avoid “Chinglish”

English is a wonderful language for several reasons, one of which is, you can make up new words. “Chinglish” is one such made-up word. What is “Chinglish”?It refers to the garbled combination of Chinese and English. In defense of Chinglish, let...
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