Subjunctive Mood

Subjunctive Mood

Matt, a student of ours in Beijing, China, was in one of his classes and asked this great question about this reading passage: Why does the first paragraph have the word “were”? In China, the teachers tell us to use the word...

Sure vs. Unsure Language

Recently a member of our DreyerCoaching teacher team and I were working with a Chinese professional man and his American supervisor. We were working on helping the Chinese man write better emails in English. One big issue was: expressing certainty and uncertainty....

Word Choice

It’s all about word choice. Recently a friend in Sunday School told our class, “My wife says I’m tight…but I tell her I’m thrifty.”  We all laughed.  Why? Because they are saying basically the same thing: my friend is very...


“Sharp” is one of those wonderful words where we have one word in English, but there are two words for it in Chinese. Sharp is used to describe something with a pointed or fine edge. Sharp things can prick, poke, slice, and cut. This knife is sharp. Its...
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