Episode 19 – Preparing for Christmas

Episode 19 – Preparing for Christmas

Episode Description: This episode discusses some of the ways that many Americans get ready for the Christmas holiday, which is by far the biggest holiday in the USA calendar. Word for the Day: advent (ad-vent) (noun) non-secular: the four Sundays prior to Christmas...
Episode 18 – Thanksgiving Story

Episode 18 – Thanksgiving Story

Episode Description: Mr. Dreyer recounts his Thanksgiving in Germany in 1985. Thanksgiving, Holiday, Germany, trip, study, abroad, attitude, self pity Word for the Day: self pity (noun) feeling sorry for yourself Self Pity is nearly always the worst attitude you can...
Episode 17 – Churchill (Part 2)

Episode 17 – Churchill (Part 2)

Episode Description: While our Churchill Part 1 episode focused on some highlights from his life story and character, Part 2 focuses on a few of his famous speeches. An old saying goes “Talk is cheap,” but in Churchill’s case, his talks helped keep the British Empire...
Episode 16 – Churchill (Part 1)

Episode 16 – Churchill (Part 1)

Episode Description: Churchill (Part 1) Over the years, many people have told me they like how I can help them make connections between people and events in history and our lives today. That is a goal for this episode, where we look at the life of Winston Churchill,...
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