What is Coaching?

What is Coaching?

Back when I started teaching English over the internet to students in Asia, we didn’t even have a business name. It was just “Mr. Dreyer teaching English online.” So when we incorporated in 2010, my wife and I discussed several names and settled on...
Recommended Books for Young Readers

Recommended Books for Young Readers

Parents sometimes ask us for recommendations for outstanding literature for young readers to see. DreyerCoaching teacher Mrs. JoAnn Armistead, who has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Teaching English as a Second...
Introducing Mastermind 1.0: Atomic Habits

Introducing Mastermind 1.0: Atomic Habits

You spoke, and we listened. In surveys and conversations, our students have said, “We want more advanced reading, an examination of great sentence patterns that will help our own writing skills, and book studies to go deeper.” With that, DreyerCoaching is DELIGHTED to...
The proximity principle   近接原则

The proximity principle   近接原则

We had a major snowfall here in Virginia in January, and Scott took this photo about one week later. Look carefully. Notice the LEFT side still has lots of snow left, but on the RIGHT side it is almost all melted. Why? How do you explain such a big difference on two...
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