4月比赛报喜啦:第一次参加北京“未来外交官”英语风采展示大赛,Lucy同学历经初赛复赛半决总决,终获初中组冠军🏆 无论现场演讲、故事改编,还是影视配音、与高中混搭美式辩论,每个环节都跌宕起伏,引人入胜。感谢学校和老师,感谢好伙伴的互相鼓励,尤其感谢卓文老师的外教口语课程!让我的单词量迅速增长,词汇句型生动丰富,发音标准地道,信心满满[Yeah!] 英语学习只要持之以恒,一定会有所收获。和各位好朋友一起共勉,有梦想,有未来!
At first, I was scared of English. I didn’t want to study it. I didn’t want to face it, let alone study abroad. I was not interested in that language at that time, and even found it repulsive. But after spending more time with English, I have found it is no longer something I disliked. Instead, I have become interested in it. English has become a joy to me. Just three years ago, when I went into seventh grade, my English grades in school were not very satisfactory. I then had a chance to go to Canada for a month with my older sister. When we first arrived, I was afraid to talk to any of the foreigners. I admired my sister for not being afraid and being able to talk with those foreign people. She was able to interact, talk, and laugh with the people we met, just like a person would do while shopping in Taiwan and making small talk. After a few days in Canada, I started to try to talk with the foreigners and found that talking with them was not as terrible as I had thought. They respected my English skills. After all, English is not my mother tongue. After returning to Taiwan, I wanted to start improving my English ability. I was fortunate to meet Mr. Dreyer’s English teaching team, which greatly improved my English ability. The most remarkable thing is that when I began their classes, I was afraid to open my mouth to speak English, but now I can chat face-to-face with foreigners without fear. I have taken their conversation class, reading class, and a 1 on 1 class, and I recently got an A on my 9th grade final exams in school. I believe that my English is still not yet great, but for those people who are interested and want to improve their English skills, as long as they are assisted by Mr. Dreyer’s English team, they will definitely be able to achieve their dreams.
These are my thoughts, thank you!
Wishing you all the best,
Dear Mr. Dreyer, Everything is great! I got accepted at the University of British Columbia, Texas A&M, UC IRVINE, UC SANTA BARBARA, UC DAVIS, UC SAN DIEGO, and U-Washington. I’m going to U-Washington! Thank you for helping me!
一年前,由于我儿子Leo不太愿意上外面的传统外语补习班(他不喜欢死记硬背单词的老式教学方式)。我就一直在寻找适合他的外语课程,邻居孩子的妈妈推荐我们上Mr. Scott办的网络外语课。
一开始我担心孩子会不适应这种新型教学方法,在电脑前坐不住,于是抱着试试看的心态,让Leo跟着学。没想到第一次上课,孩子完全没有坐不住、走神的情况发生,同时积极主动地与老师互动。Leo下课后自己跟我说,他觉得很轻松,一点也不紧张。随着时间的推移,Leo已经上了一年的网课。他现在自己按时上课,从不需要我催促;而且在上课时遇到不会的单词,他会自己查字典,然后告诉老师单词的意思。看到Leo的学习热情,我由衷得觉得我给儿子找到了适合他的外语学习方式。而且这样我们不用再像以前一样,从家辛苦地赶到各种外语补习班上课,节约了很多奔波的时间,让孩子干他喜欢干的事情。尤其现在北京的雾霾很严重,Mr. Scott教授的网络课程让我们能在家安全又轻松地完成外语学习,真是一举多得。Leo也在这种轻松的学习氛围下提高了他的外语水平,最重要的是我们能跟着真正美国本土老师上纯正的外语。
非常感谢Mr. Scott办的外语网络学习课程,让孩子受益匪浅。
當然,支持孩子這麼多年持續學習的動力絕對是在這段時間遇到的優秀教師們及他們的協助。Mr. Dreyer, Mrs. McKinney和Mr. Woodson,謝謝你們!
Hello. Last year I learned English with the DreyerCoaching.com online school, and it helped my English very much. Plus it is safe and it saves time, because you don’t have to leave home to learn standard local English, so this makes it easy to talk to foreigners. I used to study in Taiwan schools, and the Chinese teachers who taught English had inaccurate pronunciation, and that really bothered me. Ever since I learned online, I have been very relaxed in my English classes.
-Deron joined DreyerCoaching online in 2014-2015, then lived with the Dreyers and attended a US high school for grades 9-12. In 2021-22, he attends the prestigious University of Virginia!
在台灣,孩子若非讀雙語或者國際部學校,我們只能比照訪間,全部都往補習班送,但是非正統式的英文教學及填鴨式的教育,卻讓我有點膽怯。為了讓孩子持續精進她的語文能力,更希望是沒有壓力的學習,我們透過朋友介紹認識Mr. Dreyer。
我的孩子於國一下學期就開始加入Dreyer Coaching,目前已是高三的學生,將近5年的學習從未間斷。這期間的口說與聽力的訓練學習,讓孩子在學校表現突出,
我想任何學習都不是一步登天的,特別是語言,唯有透過一步一腳印持續不斷的學習,終究有天會開花結果,非常感謝Dreyer Coaching 老師對孩子的協助
Hello. Last year I learned English with the DreyerCoaching.com online school, and it helped my English very much. Plus it is safe and it saves time, because you don’t have to leave home to learn standard local English, so this makes it easy to talk to foreigners. I used to study in Taiwan schools, and the Chinese teachers who taught English had inaccurate pronunciation, and that really bothered me. Ever since I learned online, I have been very relaxed in my English classes.