High School in the USA
Do you want to visit the USA a few weeks this summer or winter? Or, attend a USA high school, language school, or college? We can help you!
For many years, young people have dreamed of coming to the USA to study, and now, that dream is easier to reach than ever. Many American high schools and colleges welcome foreign students, and we can help you with the process. From helping you select the right school to handling your applications documents, we can help you make your dream come true. Study in America!

DreyerCoaching.com will arrange a safe, loving, welcoming American host family for your child to stay with. The host family will provide:
- Pick-up from and delivery to the local airport in Roanoke, Virginia, USA (airport code: ROA)
- A bedroom with bed, desk, chair, storage areas, and at least one window (might be single or double room)
- Daily delivery to and pick-up from the school ride to church and youth group events (for Christian school placement)
- Daily breakfasts and dinners on school days, and 3 meals a day on non-school days, plus snacks inclusion in family events such as holidays, day trips, etc.
- Trips to shopping and school events drive to medical care as needed
- A safe, affirming, natural place to learn American English and about American culture and life!
DreyerCoaching.com will arrange for your student to attend a safe, welcoming, fully-accredited private school. Classes are small, students wear uniforms, and student behavior is good. The study package includes daily school lunch, all books, uniforms, and sports fees. Your student will improve his or her English skills and earn high school credits toward graduation. When your child graduates from an accredited US high school, it is much easier to apply to a US university than when doing so from overseas. While studying in the USA, your child will probably need to take the TOEFL and SAT exams. DreyerCoaching.com can provide extra English (ESL) classes and TOEFL and SAT help, for an additional investment.

yaoFor tuition, homestay, and ESL classes, one year’s tuition for an American high school starts at about US$35,000 and can go up to about US$39,000. Many programs charge US$ 50,000 or more for one year, so DreyerCoaching.com offers you significant savings!
The child’s birth family will need to be responsible for:
- airfare to and from Roanoke, Virginia USA
- US visa and all paperwork to come to the USA
- health/accident insurance for the entire time your child is in the USA (DreyerCoaching.com will arrange the policy)
- any medical/accident expenses incurred during the year
- spending money for items your child wants to buy
- paying for tests such as SAT and TOEFL (the school provides the yearly PSAT)
The student will be responsible for:
- being willing and eager to learn English. It is hard work and takes years!
- keeping up with school work. The work load will be easier than in China, BUT it will ALL be in English!
- obeying the host family’s rules and expectations
- helping cleaning and house chores at the host home
- attending daily Bible class and weekly chapel at school, and church 1-3 times a week with the host family. (Note for students attending a Christian school: The school welcomes international students of any or no religion, but expects the students to be open-minded and respectful of the religious lessons that the school teaches. Even if the student does not believe in the Christian religion, attending services will help his or her English listening ability, and understanding more about the Bible will help him or her understand more about English literature, American history, and American culture.)
为您的孩子在美国的整个时间提供健康/意外保险(DreyerCoaching.com 将安排该政策)
支付 SAT 和 TOEFL 等考试费用(学校提供年度 PSAT)学生将负责:
在学校参加每日圣经课和每周礼拜,每周与寄宿家庭参加 1-3 次教堂活动。 (基督教学校学生注意事项:学校欢迎任何宗教或无宗教信仰的国际学生,但希望学生思想开通,尊重学校教授的宗教课程。即使学生不信仰基督教宗教、参加礼拜有助于他或她的英语听力能力,更多地了解圣经将有助于他或她更多地了解英国文学、美国历史和美国文化
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