join our team
At, as our student body grows, we look for more highly qualified, student-friendly teachers to join our positive, growing team.
When do you teach most of your classes?
Most of our classes are in the evenings in East Asia, between the students’ dinner and bedtime, which with the time zone difference is 6:00-10:00 am Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the US. This means, you can teach in the early mornings and be finished before the A.M. news is over, so you have the rest of the day to pursue other interests or commitments. We also have some students here in the US, so we have some classes in the afternoons and evenings, EST. Most of our classes are between Monday-Friday morning EST, but we sometimes have students who need classes Friday evening or Saturday morning EST. Since our inception in 2008 teaching ESL online, we do not schedule classes on Sundays.
Are these full-time or part-time teaching positions?
We are currently only offering part-time teaching positions.
Must a teacher be available to teach Monday-Saturday, 6:00 – 10:00 a.m.?
No. We realize “life” happens and we seek to work with our teachers’ schedules and seek to schedule classes only when the teacher is available. For example, due to other work or family obligations, some teachers are available only at certain times or days of the week and not at others. We schedule classes for teachers only when they are available.
What happens if a teacher is unable to teach a particular class?
The fantastic DreyerCoaching teacher team works hard to be available to sub for each other when a personal or family emergency or such arises. In the rare cases when a substitute is unavailable, we may need to reschedule that class. In that case, Scott will communicate with the students directly to explain. If a teacher has a vacation or family need arise, teachers tell the DreyerCoaching designate ASAP and we will seek to arrange a substitute.
About how many hours a week does a teacher teach?
Since most of our classes are between 6:00 – 10:00 a.m. EST, most teachers usually teach between one to fifteen hours per week, based on teacher availability and student demand. We work with your schedule, the compensation is competitive, you teach from home, and you get to help some incredibly bright and motivated students on the other side of the globe!
How do you assign teaching jobs? How many classes might a new teacher expect to receive?
Since our overarching concern is consistent quality, we work with new teachers based on the ancient principle, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” That is, new prospective teachers first observe other DreyerCoaching classes, then teach classes while observed, then begin by subbing or teaching usually one class per week. As that teacher demonstrates the outstanding excellence we desire at DreyerCoaching and receives outstanding parent and student feedback, then we usually assign that teacher more classes over time. Plus, we usually give our current teaching staff the most teaching hours and new teachers then gradually add hours as they are available.
What kinds of people might be good teachers for DreyerCoaching?
These types of people might be an especially good fit as a teacher on our team:
- full-time teachers who want to teach an hour before their regular school day begins
- retired teachers
- homeschool moms
- “empty nest” parents
- people with a few hours in the week to help students and earn some extra income
Do teachers have to know Chinese in order to teach these classes?
Since most of our students already speak some English, teachers do not have to know Chinese.
Are a US teaching license and college degree required to teach?
A teaching license is helpful, but not required; a teacher must have successful teaching experience already. This may include classroom teaching to a group or 1 on 1 teaching in a home school or tutoring. ESL teaching background is also helpful but not required. A bachelor’s degree is required; masters are helpful.
Where do the teachers teach from?
All classes are taught online, so you can teach from home as long as you have high-speed internet.
Must a teacher be based in their home for ALL lessons?
No. Do you need to travel some due to work or family commitments? As long as you have high-speed internet, you can teach from where you are. We have had teachers teach from Washington D.C. or other famous tourist spots before. This is one of the major advantages of teaching with instead of a traditional bricks-and-mortar school.
Is training required?
Yes. It involves discussing the DreyerCoaching teacher handbook “Guidelines for Success,” observing classes, teaching a class while observed, and then teaching solo.

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