As the author of the award-winning Write like a Champion 美國老師教你寫出好英文, I can help professional adults improve their English writing skills. Areas of help include: business emails and reports, presentations, technical English, resumes, theses, etc.
For many years I have edited technical papers and theses for professors at National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao-tung University, China Steel Corporation, the Industrial and Technical Research Institute (ITRI), among many other clients.
There are two ways we can help you.
- Join a writing class, where we teach you writing skills, assign you a topic to write, and then edit it in real-time during class. This can be one-on-one, at at time that is good for you. Since our classes are online, we come to your home or office.
- Write papers and email them to us, and we send them back to you with suggestions, edits, etc. All our suggestions are designed to help you be a better writer.
Your privacy is important to us. Any materials we look at, edit, or discuss will remain in strictest confidence. That is, we will not in any share or tell what business, academic, or professional ideas you are working on.

因為我們的工作時間還有我們的彈性不足所以在學習上總是有一些缺 憾。很高興我有機會認識Scott老師, 跟他透過網路的方式學習英文。 Scott老師因為他本身在科學園區的實驗中學有待過一段時間,同時許 多年前已經輔導過很多在園區跟工研院的學生,所以在很多語文方面 他能夠了解我們中國工程人員的思維跟公司的思維,然後幫助我們透 過英文方式的表達。在我們所需要的項目方面,譬如說Email、公司的 Presentation(簡報)或者是公司的產品型錄上他能夠協助我們用中式 的思維轉成英式的語法,能夠讓一些外國客戶更了解也更能展現出 我們要展現的內容。所以我很高興有這個機會跟大家推薦Scott老師的英文.
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Simply submit your email and get access to our free resource that explains over 40 common mistakes in English and how to correct them. You will also get our free newsletter with English-learning tips.
只需您的电子邮件,即可获得我们的免费资源,其中解释了 40 多个常见的英语错误以及如何纠正这些错误。 您还将获得我们的免费时事通讯,其中包含英语学习技巧。