Scott’s book

“Write Like a Champion” is a comprehensive guide to better English writing skills by Scott Dreyer. Organized from the basic understanding of how to develop and express your ideas, supplemented with easily confused grammar for Chinese natives, easily misspelled or used words, and pre- and suffixes.
We wrote this book to help Chinese speakers write better English. In 2008, chose this as their “2008 Foreign Language Book of the Year”!
Several of our online WRITING CLASSES use this as their textbook. Contact Scott today to learn more and to register!
Check out my co-author’s bilingual blog post about our book!
Check out a sample of our book, common “Chinglish” errors and how to fix them!
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Simply submit your email and get access to our free resource that explains over 40 common mistakes in English and how to correct them. You will also get our free newsletter with English-learning tips.
只需您的电子邮件,即可获得我们的免费资源,其中解释了 40 多个常见的英语错误以及如何纠正这些错误。 您还将获得我们的免费时事通讯,其中包含英语学习技巧。