
This podcast seeks to educate, motivate, uplift, inspire…and maybe entertain. Episodes include stories from a wide range of fields, including history, geography, foreign languages, literature, religion, politics, economics, philosophy, and Scott’s personal life and travels to some 30 countries. Where possible, Scott aims to make connections between these stories and your daily life, to give you something positive to think about and incorporate into your daily lifestyle.
該播客旨在教育、激勵、提升、啟發……甚至娛樂。 劇集包括來自廣泛領域的故事,包括歷史、地理、外語、文學、宗教、政治、經濟、哲學以及Scott 老师的個人生活和前往約 30 個國家的旅行經驗。 在可能的情況下,Scott老师 旨在將這些故事與您的日常生活聯繫起來,讓您思考一些積極的事情並將其融入您的日常生活中。
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只需您的电子邮件,即可获得我们的免费资源,其中解释了 40 多个常见的英语错误以及如何纠正这些错误。 您还将获得我们的免费时事通讯,其中包含英语学习技巧。